Chapter 18

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Tyra's POV

Convincing Violet to let me come along wasn't a piece of cake but my guilt over getting Austen in trouble was too big to let anything stop me. And that's how I landed up to my first underground fight.

Once we reached there me, Violet and Hayden picked seats in the least rowdy and loud part around the cage within which the fights took place and searched the crowd for any hint of Austen while Ryan, Tristan and Hunter went to search for him in the behind the scenes area.

Although there is a fight going in front of us in the cage, my attention is far from it. With all my fingers crossed and wide eyes I keep looking around to find Austen but only end up catching Tristan's, who is making his way towards us. The slight shake of his head was enough to douse all of my hope.

"He is already lined up to fight, and we can't reach him there," Ryan says as he reaches us. The implication of it isn't lost on me, we can just wait and watch.

Although there isn't much watching on my part. I hated violence, and getting front row seats to it wasn't a pleasant experience. For most part of the fights my eyes focused on the ground, trying to block the sounds of hits and grunts. It's only when Austen's name is announced that eyes look up at the cage.

All air leaves my body as he sees him enter the cage. His face is set blank, eyes guarded and all emotional less. I see his opponent enter the cage as well. While he is growling in anger and rage, Austen is a picture of calmness.

With the first dong, to indicate the start of the match, Austen's opponent manages to land the first blow. I gasp, leave my mouth and I turn my head to bury into the shoulder of Tristan who is sitting next to me. I feel his body is already coiled with tension but he raises his hand to my back to comfort me.

"Why did you come cara?" he asks the unspoken implication of me not being able to digest the violence and gore.

"The same reason you did," I tell him the half lie and he sighs in resignation.

I can hear the rest of them cheering for Austen but I doubt it's distinguishable from the rest of the crowd. It's only when they announce Austen as the winner that I turn to look at the cage. Since Austen hasn't noticed us yet, we make way towards the space where players retreat from the cage.

I finally let myself look at Austen properly, taking in the various bruises when I hear a gasp escape his mouth. All of sudden everything around is chaos and multiple people rush into the cage. I see our group of friends rush in as well but all the crowd and towering people block my view completely. Before I can advance further, Violet and Hayden pull my hand towards the parking lot and ask to get the cars ready.

But before I completely leave, I manage to get a glimpse of inside the cage and I see Austen standing in pool of blood.


I barely managed to get to the space where we parked our cars with the image of blood pooled at Austen's feet kept flashing before me. Also the fact that the tears running down my face keep blurring my vision.

"Coward! Scratched him with a knuckle brass after the match was over," Hayden curses and kicks the wheel of the car in anger.

I see Violet's face is also streamed with tears as worry is very much evident on her face. I pull her into a hug and we both try to comfort each other.

Few minutes later we see Austen's car pull up next to us and Tristan steps out the driver's side.

We rush to him as he opens the door to the back seat.

Austen is in a semi reclined position, with his head thrown back and Ryan applying pressure to his side, probably where the wound was but his face displayed no emotion.

"What are we eating for? Let's take him to the hospital," I burst out, unable to keep my piping anxiety down.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Austen growls out in anger.

"We can't," Tristan answers solemnly at the same time.

Ouch. Austen's anger at me being here pinches me more than it should.

Well he is in trouble because of you, my subconscious taunts me back and while it doesn't do anything to reduce the hurt but I see the truth.

"Yeah you don't me here, but here I am, deal with it," I retorted back to him, trying to pretend his words don't hurt me.

"Can any one of you explain why not?" I continue as I look at the rest of them who seem to be at words after Austen's outburst.

"Cara, he didn't mean it li...," Tristan starts, trying to defend his friend or spare my feelings. I don't know, but I knew now wasn't the time for this. I raise my hand to stop his explanation and instead look at Ryan for an answer.

"It's an illegal fight, Tyra. If we go to the hospital they will ask questions and..." Ryan starts to explain.

"His life is more important than being in trouble," I incredulously ask, disbelief evident on my face.

"It's my choice, deal with it," Austen replies as if challenging me.

Oh god, give me strength, I mentally pray and try to quickly think of a way which will avoid him bleeding out here.

"Let's take him to my home," I say as a final resort knowing that taking him to anyone else' home was out of question as well since their parents would ask questions.

"But what about your.." Tristan asks the already expected question.

"Nobody is home, don't worry," I curtly reply leaving no space for more questions as I go open the door to Austen's car and start the ignition.

Everybody follows my lead and goes to different cars. Since Ryan is holding pressure on the wound, Tristan drives Violet in his car and the twins follow us in their car.

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