Chapter 11

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Tyra's POV

Hot. Chilly. Hot. Chilly.

That's how I had been feeling for the past few hours but the tired feeling in my body refused to let me open my eyes. So the first instance I start feeling less tired, I open my eyes to be greeted by my dark bedroom ceiling.

What time it is, I wonder to myself and go to reach towards the nightstand for my mobile, except it's plugged in for charging.

"Weird I never plug in for overnight charging" I croak out.

"More weird than talking to yourself?" I hear a voice questioning me and startles a scream out of me.

*cough* *cough*

A coughing bout follows up next as I take in the figure sitting right next to my bed.

When did Austen arrive here? What is he doing in my room?.. and more thoughts plague my hazy mind as the feeling of weakness still persists in my limbs.

"Here drink this" Austen offers a glass of water to me which I gladly accept. Just as I am taking small gulps of water, I take in Austen's face. His hair is tousled badly as if he ran his hands through it multiple times. While he has his patent blank face, I see worry very evident in his eyes. Except his jaw which was locked and his muscle tight as if he was..

"You are angry." I blurt out loud, giving the glass back to him.

I see his jaw clench further, "Tyra my patience is hanging by thread..." he speaks through a clenched mouth. Seeing him in despair, I try to reach my hand out to him, but he pulls himself away and starts pacing in the room.

Ouch. His action hurt but the onslaught of sneezes don't leave anytime for analysis.

"See this is what I am talking about" he blasts out in a loud voice making me flinch. Seeing my reaction his jaw relaxes a bit and I see the worry back in his eyes.

"Will you calm down please? The loud noise is making my headache" I say honestly and slowly lean back on my bed as a wave if dizziness washes over. Seeing this he is immediately next to me and helps me become comfortable in a semi reclining position.

"Which medications are you taking? Where are they? Also where are your parents " He bombards one question after the next in one breath. Except his last question leaves me out of my breath. I actually blank out for the next few seconds, unable to form any reply.

"Whatever, I am calling my mom, she can arrange a home call.."

"No! No calling your mom" I blurt out loud, stopping him mid sentence and pulling his phone away from him.

Involving adults was dangerous. They would ask more questions, questions whose answers would end badly for me.

"Tyra, what's going on?" Austen questions in puzzlement.

"Ummm... It's not that bad..." I start my defense although Austen isn't ready to listen to anything.

"You didn't come to school today, no message, no call, do you know how worried we were?" A slow crack appears in his blank face as a flicker of concern from his eyes reflects on his face as well.

"I decide to come and check but I am greeted by you fainting!" His voice climbs slightly an high octave probably remembering the scene again.

"Your temperature is running high and you don't look that good too" he finishes, shoving the thermometer in my face. Except my mind was still reeling from his sentence.

Don't look good? Way to push a girl down when she is sick, my subconscious speaks up.

Ouch x2. Austen was on the run today to keep taking blows on my self esteem.

"So Tyra, no I won't accept any excuse when it comes to your health" Austen softly whispers the words and my cheek is met with a lightest caress of his fingers.

I don't know whether it's the bright red colour of my cheeks or the temperature of my fever that brings him out the reverie, next second he is back to his phone to dial up his mom.

Oh no. I must stop him. If any adult finds out that I am living by myself or of the negligence of the Stones family things would go to hell real quick. Think Tyra, think.

"Okay! Stop. I'll tell you the truth" I say as a final attempt to stop him. He halts his actions but raises his eyebrow up asking the question silently.

"It's not an excuse but it's a little complicated" I start but another round of sneezes and coughing makes me fold forward.

"Shit" Austen curses and hits the nightstand with his leg.

"Okay. Fine! You win but at least let me help you" he finally gives in.

"Thank you.." I start to express my honest gratitude but Austen cuts my short.

"Not yet, I want to know everything Tyra, everything" Austen says, putting extra emphasis on the last word.

I guess the cat's going to come out the bag, my subconscious pipes up as a dread sets in my stomach, at what his reaction to the truth will be...

"Plus right now you need to worry about something else..." Austen mysteriously speaks and now it's my turn to raise my eyebrow in question.

"The rest of the crew is coming by as soon as school ends" he completes.

Oh shit. How will I convince them?

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

Author's Note  - Another chapter being broken into two. What do you think, should I post two smaller chapters or 1 long chapter?

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