Chapter 17

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Tyra's POV

"Is the princess turning into a truant?" Austen teases me when he arrives later that night.

While I am happy to see him in a happy and teasing mood, I hate that I am his target. I pick the pillow next to me and fling it at him which he easily manages to dodge. I pout in annoyance and go to pick another pillow but I hear a small chuckle escape from him. My heart skips a beat and my revenge momentarily forgotten.

My lack of response or any action at all, since I was busy gawking at him, catches his attention and he raises his eyebrow in question.

"I didn't do anything!" I fumble out a weak defense unable to think of anything else.

"Sure," he drawls the world out, "You didn't help them plan a thing did you?" he says sarcastically.

I opened my mouth to defend myself but left it hanging as it wasn't very far from the truth.

More like that is the truth, my subconscious smirks.

After my epic realization at what I had done, I knew it was too late to undo it so I did the next best thing - help them plan it all. After all, at least I could make sure they wouldn't go completely off the rocks.

Sure, my subconscious drawls mimicking the blue eyed boy in my room who I notice is making his way to me.

I see his hand reaching out towards me and my body just freezes in anticipation. His hand gently cradles my jaw and pushes it upwards.

"Wouldn't want to catch flies, do we?" he answers nonchalantly, except there was nothing nonchalant about his touch, as my jaw feels electrified. His hand slightly lingers even after closing my jaw and my eyes dart to his.

The last we were in such close proximity was when we were dancing in the rain. I feel a horde of butterflies in my stomach and my skin tingles with anticipation. His blank and guarded eyes don't seem guarded anymore and there is a swirl of emotions in them, that I am unable to pinpoint.

The shrill ring of my phone breaks up apart as Austen leaps away from me as if he was burned. And I mentally curse whoever it was calling me, which on checking my phone is Wren.

"Hey Birdie!" I greet him. Seeing what a disaster it was yesterday evening, Bella and Wren had decided not to make an appearance today and had instead checked up with me on a call.

Despite being on call with Wren, my eyes try to seek out Austen but I see that he has left the room. I continued my call and just like with everyone, I reassured him that I was feeling better, which I indeed was. Through the day I had felt less weakness on moving my limbs and I could go around the room doing my daily tasks without feeling faint or dark spots appearing in my vision.

Just as I finished my call, Austen re-appeared in my room with a tray full of hot food. I really enjoyed these meals as not only they were my fav cuisine but Tristan's mom had magic in her hands as even though it was food for the sick people, it was delicious.

"I'll ask Violet to pick more food from Tristan's house tomorrow" Austen remarks mid bite.

"Or Tristan could just hand it over to me when I go to school tomorrow" I answer, already making plans to go to school tomorrow.

"Tyra," Austen calls out my name warningly and I make the mistake to look directly at him and almost cower at his glare.

"Common Austen, I am feeling better.." I try to reason with him but his glare still persists saying it was a moot point.

"I am missing out on my work.." I stop mid sentence here as he pointedly looks at the pile of school work on my desk. I may have not been at school but with the combined efforts of everyone, they have managed to get my school work to me. So yes despite not going to school, I was up to date with all the class work.

Just before I am about to huff away in resignation, I try to plead to him one more time.

"No Tyra," he firmly denies.

"Please Austen," I pleaded again with my best sad puppy dog face. I wasn't sure it would affect him but then I saw a flicker of change of emotions in his eyes and that's enough encouragement I needed to continue.

"Okay, but.." he starts but I don't let him complete and whoop in excitement, "You join back on Friday, that is the day after tomorrow, alright?" he completes, almost expecting me to rebel but it was still a win for me.

"Thank you, thank you," I gratefully answered him and put my arms around him to hug out of happiness.

A stillness descended the room for a second as I could only feel myself breathing, as if Austen forgot to breathe.

As if, I roll my eyes at myself as the next second, Austen's hand moves to my back to reciprocate the hug.

"Anything for you princess," he softly replies but I am already lost in heaven of warmth.


Next morning, Austen leaves earlier than usual and in a hurry when he receives a call from his home. He smooths my worry away by saying it's nothing bad and pats my head again before leaving.

Violet arrives later with a bag full of food and make up! Since I was feeling better and waiting to build my endurance for my first day back tomorrow, I helped her restock the fridge and then we got on to at home spa day.

"I am surprised, you could convince Austen to let you come to school tomorrow," Violet says in between our chats and I simply shrug in reply.

"I wasn't convinced," she continues and a feeling of dread settles me but her next sentence calms me down, "but he managed to convince me and it's only 1 day, you will have the weekend to rest again."

I smile again, not only at the fact she is convinced, but also how genuinely they all cared for me.

Do you still have doubts about their friendship? My subconscious asks me in bewilderment and I mentally shake my head at her.

I don't doubt them, but such small thoughts will always warm my heart. I am not a girl about big gestures but a sucker for small moments.


By mid morning I noticed that our group chat was storming with messages and Violet too seemed a bit worried. Since I hadn't been reading the messages a lot, to avoid feeling FOMO, I do read them now.

"Austen had a fight with his dad?" I ask Violet for confirmation after I am done reading it all.

She nods in confirmation, "Angel couldn't overhear the whole thing but something about him not being home last few nights," she shares with me and a huge boulder of guilt settles on my shoulders.

I was the reason for the fight. He got in trouble because of me and my need to keep a secret.

"Don't worry, we all make sure he is never left alone when he has had such fights with his dad," Violet tries to reassure me but my guilt gets overburdened with worry for Austen.

Throughout the day, we both are fixated on the chat to get regular updates. I am almost tempted to call him but knowing he is at school, I didn't want to get him into trouble, more than what I already had.

By the time the school ends, I am a bundle of nerves and Violet leaving the room to answer a call didn't help either. All my thoughts were focused on only 1 thing - Was Austen alright?

When Violet re-enters the room, I immediately want to prod her for answers, but her troubled face sets dread in my stomach. She cautiously comes and sits on my bed.

"Tyra, what I am about to tell you, please don't think negatively about.." she starts hesitantly but my nerves have lost all patience.

"Violet, please just say," I implore her, my mind already thinking of all the worst case scenarios.

"Remember, last time when Austen had a fight and you asked why we were so worried," I nod my head in confirmation, "Well the reason is that, whenever the fights get too bad, Austen goes to this underground fighting place.." Violet explains but I don't let her finish.

"Okay, but he didn't go there last time, so maybe.." I fumble out trying to placate her or myself, I don't know.

But Violet's grim expression is enough to break my bubble.

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