Chapter 6

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Tyra's POV

"Baby I don't need the dollar bills to have fun tonight" I scream and bounce along with the music with Wren next to me, whilst going to take a sip from the bottle in my hand to find it empty.

"Oops" I giggle out loud at my silliness.

Sipping from an empty battle, real genius Tyra, my subconscious taunts back and it makes me giggle some more. Wren's face lights up with a dopey smile and his lips move to speak something but I don't hear anything.

"Wow! You look so pretty" Wren screams in my ear and I giggle some more.

Somebody finds me pretty, I shyly twist in my spot except I slightly tumble forward and Wren's hand stabilizes me.

Wow! This not thinking thing is working really well for me. What was I even thinking about?

My thought process is broken short by violet shaking.

"Earthqua..!" I almost scream out before I am violently pulled around.

"Tyra? Wiki Akn Akn" I see Violet, well a blurry Violet speaking to me but I don't know what.

"Hey Violet!" I exclaim out and go to give her a quick hug only to see her flinch a little.

Was I too loud? I ask myself.

"Ansi dkd fkf kk" She again says something but all I can hear is Sia singing about having a good time.

I want to have a good time too! So I turn around to start screaming and dancing again except Violet forcefully makes me turn around. I watch her shake her head in despair and take, take my hand and start pulling me away from the dance floor.

"I don't want to go" I grumble to myself.

Well then don't, the whiny inner voice pipes back. I try to reach out to Wren to stop myself from being pulled but he just crashes into somebody on the dance floor whilst trying to reach out for me.

Well now only my legs can save me, I think and look at my legs seriously.

Except I find out that my limbs have joined the no thinkin thing and are just going along with wherever Violet is pulling me.

"Stupid, backstabbing legs" I chid looking at my legs.

"Did she just talk to her legs?" I finally hear someone speak other than Sia and I realize that we have stepped quiet away from the dancefloor and into some adjoining room. There are few people here, less than the dance floor at least but still a little blurry.

"And why is she moving so much?" I hear another voice speak up while I put faces to the blurry images around me.

I see the Super Seven, minus Hope. Would that have made them Super Six? But what about me then? It should be seven again right? Or would we now be eight? Wait! How can we be seven and eight both! Let me count..

One me, two Violet so that makes it 3, after 3 comes four and..

"She is drunk" Violet's voice gets my focus back to them, what was I thinking about anyway..

"WHAT!" That's basically all of them, minus Violet. I look to see the surprise evident on Hunter and Hayden, while Ryan and Tristan are concerned.

Why are they concerned?

Because you are not thinking? My subconscious answers.

"The non thinking thing is awesome!" I exclaim out and they all look confused now.

"Why are they not happy for me? I am sure Austen will agree" I say and turn myself to find him and he is with his patent stone face. I mentally facepalm myself and roll my eyes.

Well you can read his eye, my subconscious provides to me.

Oh yes. His eyes. I am an eye reader!

Since things are still blurry, I squint my eyes and lean forward to have a better look...

"Wow your eyes are so blue" I blurted out, still continuing to lean forward until I smashed right into a wall but the wall feels nice and comfortable. I snuggle into it until it grows arms and pushes me back. It tingles.

Once I am pushed back, I am once again staring into those blue orbs.

"So blue" I mumble to myself as I take in his face. His hair looks so soft and just invites me to push my hand through it..

"It must be Veronica" Violet manages to break my stupor.

Yeah and wipe that drool too, my subconscious taunts me.

"This time she has gone too far" Tristan speaks up agitated looking across the room.

"She is not too far, she's right there" I say following his gaze. Is he too far sighted?

I turn to look at him and see him face palming himself.

"It's alright, it happens..." I go to console him but stop mid sentence as I see the stone faced boy I am drooling over some seconds back, dash with anger blazing in his eyes towards Varicella.

Anger enough to break through his stone cold exterior? Wow must be intense, my subconscious piques up.

"What do you think you are going to achieve by spiking Tyra's drink?" Austen all but barks out at Varicella.

"Excuse me?" Veronica speaks up surprised.

"Don't act surprised, this all..." Tristan is next to go off.

"Woah Woah, wait a second, we didn't do shit" Pansy is up defending her new mistress.

"Yeah! She is not even worth our attention when we are friends, why should we bother with her now?" Varicella shrugs off and I see everyone's body tense up including mine. I was here to not think, they were killing my vibe.

"How dare you.." I try to speak up but remember the limbs doing non thinking things, well it happened again and I tumble forward. Good for me, Violet manages to steady me.

"Wow! Goody two shoes drunk. Now this is a fun show I would want to see" Veronica finally speaks up. Her eye has a weird twinkle, does she have stars in eyes?

She is planning something idiot, my subconscious replies annoyed.

"Just stop whatever you are thinking" Austen tried to placate her thinking on the same lines.

"Why tho? You think I have something to do with this, and while I would have loved too, I haven't so why not do something and actually get real credit" she says walking away back towards the dance floor room.

"Hey guys! Are you having fun tonight?" She stands up on the makeshift stage and hollers to the crowd. The crowd screams back a mad deafening roar.

"Well gear up, you are in for some more fun, we have our very own Tyra Stones coming up on stage next to sing a song. Give it up for her" she hypes it up and points towards me.

God help!

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

Author's Note - Well this chapter was quiet long so have broken up in two parts. Next part coming up soon.

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