Becomig Fae 8

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Becoming Fae (8)

The months between the cliff incident and the first day of Fae school flew pun intended.... Over the months that had passed I became better acquainted with Chrystopher he was a really nice guy but I'm pretty sure him and Saph like each other. The morning of the first day of school I started freaking out. It would be my first time socially interacting with any Fae besides my family Nathan and Chrystopher and maybe the occasional Fae at the market. I walked over to my closet I had packed a couple days ago so my selection was rather limited. I chose to wear a deep purple strapless sundress that came flowingly down to my knees.

"Amey you ready we have to get going!" Saph yelled up the stairs

"yea give me a sec!" I yelled back down.

I quickly did my hair and make up and ran down the stairs. I tripped over the last one and stumbled before running into saph

"sorry Saphy!" I said quickly

"you really need to get some coordination before you seriously injure yourself"she responded and giggled "come on let's go meet the guys outside"

we walked/ran outside while giggling excitedly. The guys were outside talking quietly. I decided to listen to Chrys. I couldn't hear Nathans thoughts because he had a shield around his mind. I asked him about it and he refused to tell me how to make one. Oh well back to Chrys. Turns out Chris was asking Nathan if he should ask Saph out. That is so sweet!

< you know spying on people is morally wrong>

{oh so you're telling me you don't?}

<I didn't say that I just said it was wrong>

"come on Let's get walkin' you guys we don't wanna be late!"

Saph said after a moment of chatting with Chrys. Since Saph and Chris were absorbed in their conversation with each other I decided to talk to Nathan ... telepathically of course.

{hey Nathan}

< yeah?>  

{do you know my roomate for school her name is Madelyn} 

<yeah I've talked to her a couple of times? Why you nervous> 

him and his ever present sarcastic tone

{ yeah actually I am, can you tell me about her?}

<well she's really pretty, brown hair brown eyes and she is super nice>

{anything else} I don't know why but I got kinda mad when he called her pretty.

<nah nothing else really,like I said I've only talked to her a few times, wanna hear about me and Chrys's roommate Jacobb?>

{I guess}

<well he's got blond hair blue eyes, and he's super awesome, pretty funny to.>

sounds like a guy I could get along with.

{ do you know if he has any powers? Or if Madelyn has any powers?}.

< Oh yeah... Well I know Madelyn can change her hair and eye color. Jacobb I'm not so sure about> {ooh Madelyn's power sounds really cool}

<so how come your nervous>

he wasn't?!?

{ your not nervous?}

<nah not really I'm not the type that gets nervous>

(except around you)

okay.... I know for a fact I wasn't supposed to hear that. I was really happy I looked up at the sky and imagined a rainbow forming perfectly over the Saturn shaped planet it's name is actually Zarrinwhich is a pretty cool name I just usually can never remember it.

"Almost to the school you guys!" Saph said bringing me out of my thoughts and the rainbow I had created disappeared.

"Saph were not even close..." Nathan said and rolled his eyes.

She just stuck her tongue out at him and I held back a giggle.

"how much longer" I said really wanting to get there soon

"about 15 minutes" answered Chrys.


I walked in silence the rest of the day and when we finally got there I was shocked at how the school looked it was beautiful. Honestly it looked like it had been pulled straight from a book. The outside walls were gray stone with ivy climbing up them. The windows we placed randomly along it's face and a giant wooden gate stood in the middle we were walking straight toward it. Well here goes nothing.

A/N: another post from my iPod so bear with me. I hope your loving reading the story as much as I am loving writing it :D 

Vote & comment & fan & read my friend craazy8's story halfbreed. It absolutely amaizngfully fantastic ^-^

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