Becoming Fae 18

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Becoming fae 18.

A/N: Hey what's up you guys?!! I'm awesome thx for not asking. Haha.Srry if this is short but the last one was long so... I can have a short one right? Any ways last time I checked 400 reads! I'm kinda excited because in my opinion it's alot but in reality it's really not! Come on you guys!!! 

P.S. Listening to Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri. This song is absolutly flipping 'mazing so loookk it up.  





I woke up the next morning super excited. I don't know what it was, maybe it was learning to breathe underwater today? 

I don't know..I'm just hyper today I guess. WOO!!! hyper me time! This is gonna be awesome! I love it when I'm hyper I have sooo much fun. Haha.  

<Woah.... Your not going crazy are you?>  

{What would you do if I said I was?}  

<I would smack you up-side your head.....> 

{darn it... Looks like this is an instance where telling the truth doesn't set you free..... It gets you smacked....} 

<Oh well...>  

{wait if your not in the same room as me.. How can you smack me?}  

<Do you really want to test that statement?> 


<is that a question?> 


<Whats up with the questioning tone?> 

{I don't feel like being smacked in the head today} 

I heard an audible laugh from the guys room. Haha I made him laugh. I did a happy dance. Today was gonna be great.  

"Why the happy dance?" Saph asked me.

" Just in a good mood I guess" I answered her.

"We should get ready soon" Maddy said while still giving me a weird look. Oh that's right she hadn't seen my happy dance yet. Oh well.... None will be spared from my happy dance!!! Did I mention I was hyper 


{No one asked you...} 

<I know I go out of my way just to get on your nerves> 


<Its really funny> 

{Don't you ruin my day! I'm in a good mood!} 

<which is going to make this all the more fun!> 



and that's where that conversation ended. I started to get ready in my not normal, normal Fae clothes. Did my hair and make up and walked with Saph and Maddy to meet up with the guys. When we caught up to them Nathan came up and lightly smacked me upside the head.

"What was that for!" I asked him... I really didn't want him to mess up my day.  

" there was a bug on your head.... So I swatted at it... And after it flew away.. I accidentally smacked your head" was his obvious lie.

"Uh huh" was the only response needed. I looked at the others. They were obviously trying to hold back laughs.

"go ahead and laugh guys, it's obvious your about to burst" I said while looking at them sternly.

They immediately started laughing really loud. It was kinda annoying, but I didn't mind.  


Breakfast went by super fast. We walked to water control chatting about random things that really didn't make sense. We went from talking about getting our wings this Saturday to what we were going to have for dinner tonight and then some how ended on what we were doing this weekend.... I personally didn't have any plans. I was thinking about just wondering around the school.

"Hey you guys what's up?" Miranda said as we got into the class.

"Nothing much" was the general response from all of us.

"Okay class resume what you were working on last time". The teacher said and walked over to me. "Im going to hold off your water breathing lessons until a few more people get to this stage. That okay?".

"Sure so I just help people for now?"  I asked.

"Yeah that, or you could just mess around, free time." she said and winked at me.

Cool.... I'm so going to mess with people. I looked around the room... Hmmmm who should my victim be? It has to be someone that's at least attempting to move the water...I looked around.. The only one at that stage or at least struggling to move it was Jacobb... Hm should I mess with him? Nah.. I'll just mess around in the water. I moved the water in the little stream around in circles. Then moved a little bit of it up an tried to form it in to the shape of a rose. Total failed.... Tried again... Fail... Tried again third times the charm right... Nope... Fourth? No. Fifth? Yes!... No.. 

I really wanted to get the water to form into a rose, but the entire class time I couldn't get past the stem. That put a damper on my mood. But NOTHING was going to ruin my mood!  

<You sure about that?> 

{Don't you ruin my day Nathan!} 

<Whats the magic word?> 





{Are you sure the answer isn't pie? Cause... I'm pretty sure pie is always the answer} 

<Do I seriously have to tell you the magic word?> 

{Fine....Please don't ruin my day?} 

<Nah, it's just to much fun> 


The rest if that day was pretty good. Except for the end I kinda snapped and yelled at Nathan... Through my thoughts of course. We were at dinner and I was super hungry so I had a lot on my plate. 

<You really shouldn't eat that much you know..> 

I really don't need this I have been on edge almost all day and this is my breaking point  

{So you calling me fat!?} 

<No..... I'm just saying that... Well..> 

{Oh my gosh! Your calling me fat! You know what I've had enough of you! I'm sick and tired of you always arguing with me, and to make it worse your in my head of all places!! I just can't get you to leave me alone!}

"Im going to bed" I told our little group.

I looked over at Nathan and he actually looked sad. I was to mad to care about it at this point.

When I got upstairs I quicky got ready for bed and jumped under my covers I left the bedside lamp on though. I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep for awhile. I really shouldn't have said those things now that I think it over. I'm to ashamed to apologize though. He probably isn't listening right now anyway because of how mad I had probably made him 

{Hey Nathan?}

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