Becoming Fae 20

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Becoming Fae 20

A/N: Omg!!! This is the *Drumroll* 20th upload!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! So sorry I haven't uploaded for awhile.  

So since this is the 20th up load I would superdy duperdy like really appreciate it if you would comment with your opinions of the book, characters, ect. Love it! Hate it? :( think it's so-so? Oh well I'm done 





Walking to the greenhouse we chatted about what kind of plants we were going to get for our rooms.  

"I want a blue one to match my eyes" Saph said 

"I want one that changes color like me!" Maddy said.  

"I just want a pretty one." I said. I hadn't really thought about it all that much.

"Hey ladies, where are you going this lovely day?" Nathan said from behind us.

"Nowhere" I said in a sing-song voice.

"Your obviously going somewhere." he said rolling his eyes.

"Were going to the greenhouse." Saphyre responded.

"Mind if I come?" Nathan asked our group.  

{I mind....} 

<Wasnt asking you..> 



{I'm in one can hear me}

<I can hear you....>


"Yeah sure, come on" Saph answered rolling her eyes.

"Thanks" He replied.

We walked the little space that was left till the greenhouse and stopped at the doors.

"Ready you guys?" Saph asked us.

"sure let's go!" I said giving a little fist pump.

We walked in and we were all hit by a blast of warm air. Well it was a greenhouse right?

"Hi here for your first year plants?" a lady that looked sorta like a tour guide.

"Yeah!" Saph said grinning.

"Okay well I'm your tour guide,Shelly, follow me and I'll show you what kind of plants we grow, and you can pick the one you want." Shelly the tour guide said.

We all walked in and Shelly walked over to some flowers on a shelf they were all changing colors, looks like Maddy found her plant.

"I want that one please!" Maddy said pointing to one that was shifting randomly from one color to he next.

"Certainly" Shelly said and reached over to get the plant.

Once she got it she handed it to Maddy, she was smiling so big at her plant I could have swore she was going to explode. As we walked a little further we passed red flowers, floating flowers, invisible flowers...I don't really get the point of those..., and eventually a row of flowers of all diffrent shades of blue.

"Oooh I want that one! No! That one! No wait, that one!" Said while pointing at a bunch of the flowers. The one she finaly picked was a perfect match for her eyes.  

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