Becoming Fae 13

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Becoming Fae. 13

I got out of the healing center about in hour later. Nathan left a little bit after I woke up and Jacobb walked me back to my room. I had a feeling I wasn't going to get anytime by myself for awhile because of that attack. I wonder what the guy had mention by orders were orders.... Someone had sent him to kill me. I wish he would have told me his name so I had something to go on. If he was going to kill me couldn't he just have told me his name? I'm also gonna guess that these aren't the end of the attacks. When we got to my room Jaccob said his goodbyes gave me a hug and said

"stay safe" Waved goodbye again then left.

The door was open and Saph was waiting there for me.... I was so not going to be alone.  

I took comfort in the fact that I didn't have to worry.

<so you do see why they're doing this right? Staying with you?> 

{ To keep me safe right?}

<well almost. There doing it because they're worried that your scared that he'll come back.>  

{Aww that so sweet of them!}

<yeah I guess>  

{well I'm going to get some sleep I'm really tired}

<stay safe for me okay?>.


That was sweet of him to say .... Think.... I don't know... But as I drifted off to sleep I was tormented by nightmares of a faceless, nameless, guy teen choking a small girl. But in my nightmare I was watching my self being choked.... in the dream I wasn't scared..... And that's what scared me the most.

<Amey!!! Wake up!! Your having a nightmare get up! Nightmare's are NOT good for Fae, they can become real. Please, Amey, Wake up!>.

"Amethyst! Are you okay?" it was Madelyn.

"yeah. I guess I was just having a nightmare I guess.".

"okay......" it was Saph... Did I wake everyone up? 

"let's just go back to sleep" I said.

<are you sure you are going to be able to go back to sleep? Classes start tomorrow.>  

{ yeah.... I'll try, Night Nathan}

<Good night>.

The rest of the night went by uneventfully I didn't have anymore nightmares, and woke up happy and refreshed in the morning.

"First day of classes you guys!!!" Saph exclaimed.

Me and Madelyn both cheered. Our schedules were taped to our door. I had water control until lunch, after lunch I've got a class for my weather control then Fae history, after that... Free period then, Flying lessons.... Then dinner.. 

Flying lessons?!?!

<You can't fly .... By yourself...legally... You can fly on a Gryphon or a hippogryph though>.

"Oh my gosh!!!! Flying lessons sound sooooo fun!!!!" It was Madelyn that beat me to saying this.  

"okay well... We should get to class... Anyone know where water control is?" I asked

"I have that to" Maddy said 

"me to" Saph said.

"I know where it is let's go!!" Maddy said 

We walked for a while till we came to a door that said water control. The room was like a giant indoor garden with a large stream flowing through it there were about five students already in there.. Jason, Jacobb, and Nathan were three of the five.

"hey Jay!" Maddy said and ran over to him.

I walked over to where the other people were standing.

"Hey what's up you guys?" I said to jacobb and Nathan.

"nothing much.... How about you?" Jacobb said. "

yeah nothing much here either, But I'm so exited to be able to control water!!"I said

"Calm down, you get to learn soon..." Nathan said.

The teacher walked in and said..

"Hello class, today I will teach you how to freeze water, We will work on this for however long it takes for you all to get it. Those of you who progress faster will get to learn things sooner. Let us begin"

A/N: Sorry it so short. Really I am. I'm experiencing major writers block 

Comment. Team Nathan or Team Jacobb? 

Vote. Cause then I will loves you 

Read. My friend craazy8's story halfbreed 

cause then I will loves you more

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