Becoming Fae 29

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Becoming Fae 29

A:N: I was hoping to have a action scene in this cappie but it just ddnt seem to quite fit. hehe. Well one last chapter before I go on vacation! Here it is chapter 29!


"Amey?" he said.  

"yeah?" I asked.  


"I was just wondering.. if maybe.. you would.. umm.." He paused as if he were debating something with himself, but for all I knew he was mentally talking to someone.  

"Never mind, it's not important, you should see if you can catch up with Maddie and Saph."

"Okaaaaay...." I said dragging the word out.

That was rather... odd.. I walked away leaving Nathan looking rather distant, could I read his thoughts? I tried, but nothing, nada just a wall solid as metal, blocking off his thoughts. I walked inside to see none other than Sheila leaning up against a wall.  

"Lookie what we have here, turns out little miss here decided to cross my path, and oh look, we're indoors none of your little weather control in here." she said smirking. 

"Oh well, it's not like there's a door to the out doors behind me or anything." I said rolling my eyes. There was a door, right there, was she stupid? 

Nathan walked in behind me.  

"Oh and look! If it isn't little miss weather control's boyfriend! Come to save the day I suppose?" she said staring us down.  

"He's not my boyfreind!" I said at the same time Nathan said "she's not my girlfriend!"  

"Oh, well that's good to know." She said, winked at Nathan and walked off.  

{She's crazy... And she's out to get me...} 

<What do you think she'll do?> 

{I have no clue, it's not like I have my own personal mind reader or anything, so I have no idea what she could be thinking.} 

<Hey! I can read minds!> 

{Oh you can! I never realized!} 

<you do realize you just rolled your eyes right?> 

{Yes because that whole conversation was nothing but sarcasm..} 

<Yeah, I guess you right about that> 

{Uh duh... When am I not right?} 

<When your wrong?> 

{Woah... I didn't think you would come up with a good answer.. But.. Good answer.} 

<Haha, well it is getting late, and you've been shopping all day, you should probably get to bed.> 

{awwww I don't wannaaaa} 

At that exact moment I yawned. Stupid body, why why'd I have to yawn! 

<Now now you get to your room young lady!> 

{Noooooo you carry meeee} 

<Okay, if you say so> 

"No Nathan, I was just kidding. Do.Not.Carry.Me." I said aloud.  

"To late" he said, winked, and basically threw me over his shoulder.  

"Nathaaaan! Put! Me! Down! Now!" I practically screamed at him. 

"let me think about it... No." he said  

I just growled at him and went limp until we got to my room and he put me down. I started punching him, not hard.. but just to get out my frustration.  

"Stop. Picking. Me. Up. Like. That!" I said between punches. I heardlaughing behind me. "Saph, Maddie, how long have you guys been stading there?" I asked.  

"Since you got here." Saph said through her laughs.  

I pouted and went inside my room, jumped on the bed and just laid there unmoving.  

Saph hit me with a pillow.  

"We're going to dinner wanna come?" Maddie asked me 

"Bring me food pleaaaasee?" I said not pulling my head off the bed so it probably sounded like "Brigmehsomfoopleaaasse" 

but she got it  

"your so lazy sometimes Amey" Saph said with a chuckle.

They walked out. Waiting for food time... Fun..

A/N: Ugh.. Nathan is such a chicken! I thought he was gonna ask her to the dance!!! Grrr.. And no.. I'm not completely crazy ^_^ haha anyways what do you all think of Shelia? Of Nathan? Of Amey? Of the other characters? Of the story? 

lol your comments really help and if you read this authors note pleaseee comment on what you think about the characters ^_^ Kay thanks bai.

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