Becoming Fae 21

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Becoming Fae 21

A/N: right at this very moment I'm supposed to be sleeping. Cause there is school tomorrow... And I'm on my iPod so please excuse and spelling/grammar issues. I originally had a completlydiffrent beginning to this chapter then it took on a life of it's own.  

OH!! And are you team Nathan? Or team Jacobb. I'm team Nathan hehe..... Anyways 




And I will loves you forever!!!


I made sure to wake up early enough to take a shower before class.... Then I realized... It was Saturday... Way to go Amethyst.. I could be so stupid sometimes...........

<I couldn't agree more> 

{Are you calling me stupid?} 

<No. I was merely stating that you sometimes lack common sense.> 


<You are never in the mood for sarcasm. What's wrong with you?> 

{You over use sarcasm. What's wrong with you?} 

<Point taken..> 

At this point I had fallen back asleep. I don't think I was ever fully awake in the first place.

"Amey!!!! Get up!! Wings class is in 30 minutes!!" it was Saph that was yelling in my ear and jumping on top of me.

"Get off of me Saph!!" I yelled back at her. "how am I supposed to get up if your jumping on me!" 

"Good point." she said laughing and got off of me. It was cloudy outside.  

<It was sunny earlier.> 

{So your saying I made it cloudy?} 


{so basically... Today is going to suck...} 

<Possibly.. Or.. Maybe you crush Jacobb can cheer you up..> 

{Nathan..I don't like him like that.} 

<Amethyst... I can get inside your head.. I know more about you than you do..> 

{Creeper much?} 

<Nope not really..> 

{Your so strange.} 

<Yeah.. I'm the weird one.. I don't controll the weather..> 

{Your right.. You read minds nothing weird about that..} 

<You can read minds to in case you've forgotten> 

{oh yeah...I forgot about it... Because it's rude..} 

<Fun for me..and rude for you> 





{Out. of. my. head.} 

<what's the magic word?> 



{out of my head or I'll smack you?} 

<That's more than one word..> 

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