Becoming Fae 32

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Becoming Fae 32  

A/N: well I think this fall dance has officialy made it to 3 chapters, so I will be ending it now :D 

I've also posted some poems on here I don't think they're very good but check them out if you wanna.

Ameys POV

The slow dance with Nathan ended and I looked around for Jacobb. I didn't see him anywhere. Did he see Nathan kiss me? 

Did he see Nathan take my first kiss? Ugh.. Where did he go! 

<Did you just say first kiss?> 

{yeah... That was my first kiss} 

<Well, just tell me this then. If you could take back everything that just happened, starting at when I cut in, would you?> 

I thought about that for a good half a second before I replied 

{No, I wouldn't take any of it back.} 


{Yeah I mean if it's destiny or some weird thing like that, who am I to want to change it. } 

<Destiny plays a bigger part than you think.> 

{Whats that supposed to mean?} 

<Oh... Ummm nothing just me rambling on...> 

{What are you not telling me..} 

<Its nothing Amey, really.> 


And with that I went to look for Jacobb. I had to find out if he saw Nathan kissing me. 

Well, I found Jacobb, making out with a girl who I couldn't see, over in a corner. Half of me wanted to run over and smack him, then the other half didn't, because he could have seen Nathan kissing me.  

Ugh.. To much drama I'm going to bed 



< want me to walk you up?> 

I remembered Jacobb kissing that girl.. 


we walked up talking about anything but what had happened at the dance. It was all great fun until we got to the door.  

"Listen who ever that girl was with Jacobb, she doesn't even compare to you. If Jacobb wants her, let him have her. You deserve so much better Amethyst." He said staring right at me, and I couldn't look away. 

"Your eyes they're purple again." he said smirking 

"Yeah." I said looking away blushing.  

"But think about what I said you deserve better." he said becoming serious.  

I just stood there looking stupid when he tilted my chin up 

and kissed me again, but this time, I kissed him back. He pulled away.  

"remember that as your first kiss" he said and then winked and then walked off.

I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face. I still hadn't figured out exactly how much I liked Nathan, but I knew now that I did like him, a lot.. I woke up before anyone else I got ready and made sure to put my charm bracelet back on. Since it was a Saturday I grabbed the acoustic guitar that I had hidden in my closet. I went out to the stream where we had our picnic in the garden and started to make up a tune. After awhile I started to make up a song to go with it so I sang out loud.

" I fell into a world  

I never knew was real, 

I'd always hoped things would turn out this way  

oh oh oooh 

Twists and turns something I never expected 

In this Faerie tale world 

Just making my way through 

Oh oh oooh 

Yeah I'm just Becoming Fae. 

I'm just now becoming Fae"

"Wow, I didn't know you could sing, or play. But wow... Your amazing. You have such a beautiful voice." Nathan said 

He startled me when he spoke though, and well I jumped and let out a little squeak.  

"You scared me! And yeah... The only people that has ever heard me sing was my family.. My human family.." I said 

"Well, your really good. Did you write that song yourself?" he asked with innocent curiosity.  

"Yeah, I just came up with it on the spot." I said blushing.

(A/N: nooo Amey don't lie! You know I wrote that song for you!!!!)

"I like it" was all he had to say  

"Really?" I asked  

"Yeah it's amazing." he replied.  

"Well well well if it isn't Fae Academy's newest couple." a voice I sadly knew all to well, Sheila.  

"What do you want Sheila." I responded harshly  

"Ohh someones on edge, new boyfriend not working out for you?" she said in her annoying voice.  

"I said what do you want." I said my voice razor sharp.  

"Me and MY new boyfriend just wanted to say congrats on being a couple." she said 

"1) we aren't a couple, and 2) who is stupid enough to date you?" I said turning around 

"Me" it was Jacobb 

Before Nathan or I had time to say anything they walked off.  

"Looks like Jacobb joined the dark side." Nathan said  

I could tell already.. This wasn't going to turn out well.

A/N: Just a real quick end note. What did you think of Ameys song? I just wrote it real quick, but I wanna know what you think. Kay thx ^_^

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