Becoming Fae 36 part 2: The End

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Becoming Fae 36 part 2: The End.

A/N: it's the end! There will be a sequel though don't worry. :D 

We all decided to walk out to that big field I mentioned before, that big one in front of the school. We didn't know what we would do when we got there, but eh.... We would figure it out.  

It would take us about 15 minutes to get there so I decided I would ask everyone what they were doing for summer.  

"Do you all know what your doing for summer?" 

"Well I'm doing what your doing sis" Saph said 

"I'm just gonna chill at home" was Maddys reply 

"Yeah, I'll probably just stay inside all day" Miranda said. And I could tell the double meaning. "Day" I laughed to myself.  

"Well, I have no Idea what I'm doing. But hopefully it's with you, and not with a rain cloud over my head." Nathan said and winked at me.  

And you know what I did? 

I put a rain cloud over his head. Ya know the dark stormy ones that don't actually rain? 

"Aww come on Amey!" Nathan said and pouted.  

"Okay okay fine." and I dispersed the cloud with a sigh and a grumble or to.  

We laughed about that for the rest of the way there. Once we got there I saw to people standing in the field. And can you guess who?

Jacobb and Sheila.

And suddenly it all came rushing back to me. Who it was on my dream the color of the eyes 

It was Ocean Blue.  

Jacobbs eyes. 

"Nathan. I remember who it was that attacked me. Who it was in my dreams" I said in a shaky voice.  

"Who? Who was it Amey?" Nathan asked with urgency.  

"It was Jacobb" I said not taking my eyes off of my attacker.  

As soon as I said that. He came walking over

"I see you've figured it out. Little Collector. But don't worry I'm going to kill you, and then you don't have to worry your pretty little head about the silly prophesy." he said with a sneer 

"How could you Jacoob!? You're my friend." I said still unable to comprehend what was going on  

"Ha, more like was. You brought this upon yourself. I was really starting to like you, I was even going to plead to them to leave you alone. But as soon as I saw you kissing him." he pointed to Nathan. "I realized I didn't like you at all, it was your entrancement powers. A little perk you get as a collector, so people will like you, and not see you as the the theiving horrible person you are. And those are probably the same powers that have Nathan falling for you." he ended with a smirk like he just figured it all out.  

"But I'm not using any power on Nathan!" I said close to tears.

No Amey, that's what he wants. To see you suffer.

"Oh but don't you see? You don't have to. One look into those pretty purple eyes of yours and he falls. Falls right for you. Well more like the entrancement. He actually doesn't like you. You've drawn him in with you're little power. That same power you almost decieved me with. To bad I'm to strong for you." he was really starting to get on my nerves. Thunder sounded above us and dark clouds rolled in.  

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