Becoming Fae 34

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Becoming Fae 34

A/N: Sorry the last chapter was so lame, I know it wasn't up to what I usually write and I wasn't all that happy when I posted it. This one will be better lol. Hoping to end at about hmmm 45 or 50th chapter? Wadda ya think?

*Skyes POV*  

I looked at her. I did it, looked straight at her, but the weird thing was, the entrancement didn't work on me. What I had been worried about turned out to be nothing at all. Was it all just a legened? A myth? That's what we all though about the collector, but that tale turned out to be true. Perhaps it just doesn't work yet? or perhaps we got it wrong? The collector doesn't have the entrancement? I don't know, but what I do know is that I have to keep her safe, I realized that when they came for her, that's my part in all this. The Protector.

*Ameys POV* 

*3 weeks later, 2 weeks before holiday break* 

I woke up panting, sweat pouring down my face.  

I had the dream again.  

Oh, did I say dream? I meant nightmare.  

It was always the same. Me sitting talking to Skye, then He would burst in and choke me. I relived that day every night. Or at least every other night. And every time I would see the eyes of my attacker and instantly I knew who it was. It was important to remember who it was, life or death important, but every time I woke up I would forget. Completely forget, couldn't even remember the color.  

"Have that dream again?" I jumped 

"Yeah, I did Saph. But I'm fine, go back to sleep." I answered her  

She looked at me disbelief etched into her perfect face, and turned over.  

I sighed and closed my eyes hoping that I wouldn't have the drea- nightmare again, I might have to just stop sleeping.  

The next couple weeks flew by, well the days did at least the nights still dragged on. My terrible nightmare haunting me.  

The nightmare itself wasn't all that bad, it was the feeling I had, like I knew who it was but I was hopeless and would never figure it out. Maybe some time at home it what I needed. I sighed audibly fiddled with my charm bracelet and took it off. Since we were all walking home I figured no one would notice. Nathan did. 

<Amey what's wrong? You've been acting so.. So diffrent.> 

I thought I was doing good putting on a good show, how could he have seen through my act.. Oh wait.. He can hear me...  

<Amey, really what's wrong?> 

I stuck my hand in my pocket and put my braclet back on. But continued the talk with Nathan.  

{Its just, Im having these nightmares almost every night, and it seems like life or death that I remember a certain piece, but when I wake up, I never do.} 

<Dreams have more meaning in the Fae world than the do in the human world, but Amethyst you really shouldn't stress about it okay? Have some fun while were here at home. Oh and your parents invited me to stay at your house. They would've invited Chrys to but....> 

{yeah I know the fight.} 

<Yeah... Just brighten up for me? Kay?> 

I just smiled down at our interlocked hands then I smiled at him kissed him on the cheek and nodded.  

Maddie who was walking back to her place with us, until we got home at least, looked at us with confusion as if to say 'that was random' but Saph payed no attention. She knew we were communicating silently. She did giggle a little though.  

When we finally had gotten home I let out an audible sigh.  

"Tired?" Nathan asked me 

I just nodded and yawned.  

"well come here let me carry you" He said and began to pick me up  

I jumped out of the way "Im afraid of heights"  

"Amey... It's like 5 feet off the ground" 

"I know but still..." I answered still dodging him  

"Oh come on" he said rolling his eyes  

Did he not remember when I almost fell off that cliff? Ever since then.. 

I shuddered involuntarily  

"Fine you can carry me."  

He started to pick me up 

"If" I jumped back " You can catch me" I stuck my tongue out at him and started to run away. But he was in front of me in seconds. He grabbed me picked me up bridal style and said "Gotcha"  

"But how did.. You were there.. And then.. And then you were.. How are you so fast?" I asked 

"Another thing about mind powers, teleporting, I'll have to tell you about it some time." he said with a smirk  

As soon as we came through the door I was hit with the smell of my house. It was so... so.. Good... There's no other word for it just.. good. It was floral and sweet with just a hint of spice to it. And I loved it. Nathan set me down as my parents came in and gave me and Saph a bone crushing hug. My mom hugged Nathan and my dad shook his hand.  

"Well it's getting late I'll go make supper, you kids entertain yourselves okay?" my mom said and smiled.  

The 3 of us headed to the living room and I sat next to the window. It saddened me that it never snowed here.. Wait.. Weather control.. Could I make it snow?  

I looked out and concentrated as hard as I could but nothing happened.  

"Uh.. Amey?" Saph said 

"What?" I said as I turned around but what I saw made me fall on the floor laughing. I made it snow alright. I made it snow in our living room.

When diner was finished I quickly ate and said I was going to sleep. I hadn't had a good rest for about a month now and I was hoping my enchanted bed would keep the nightmares away. I got ready for bed. Looked out my window wall at the dark starry sky and the planet Zarrin. Went to sleep. And for the first time in weeks I didn't have one nightmare.

A/N: whadda ya think! Better right? Oh and this story is #681 on the fantasy list. Woooooohooo!!!! :D 

Comment with your feedback please :D

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