Becoming Fae 11

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Becoming Fae 11.

A/N: I am experiencing my first writers block!!! Help me!!! Sorry it's really short, updating from my iPod so please over look the spelling and/or grammar 

I love all my readers even if you don't comment or vote.  

But I would love you even more I'd you would vote comment, and read my friend Craazy8's story Halfbreed. You must read it!!!!! She's thinking about ending it AND I CANNOT HAVE THAT HAPPEN!!!!! Read her story plz and comment on her story and tell her she can't end it!!!!!!! SHE JUST CANT!!! 

xoxo -m

I watched as Sheila walked over staring me and Madelyn down. I looked up at Jacobb and he gave me an apologetic look and sighed.

" Sheila what do you want?" he asked her.  

"you of course silly" she responded and was hanging all over him.

"Sheila I don't like you anymore" he said and pryed her off.

"What so you think I'm just going to let you trade down to these uglies? .. You may have dumped me Jake but I still care for you" she said.

Okay you know what... This chick is ticking me off... And that is sooo not a good idea. Thunder clapped outside and it started to pour down rain. Since sheila was outside and we were in she and her posse were the only ones getting wet

" Yeah.. You don't wanna mess with me. Kay?" I said to her winked and walked off.

"dude that was amazing!" both Madelyn and Jacobb said.

"thanks ... It was kind of an accident though. She made me pretty mad and it kinda just rained.."

At this point Nathan came running in soaking wet

"oops.... Sorry Nathan.." I said and looked at the floor I was worried one of them was going to be outside.  

"it's okay the look of shock on Sheila's face was enough of an apology."

" you don't like Sheila either?" Madelyn asked Nathan 

"no, she hangs all over all the guys even when she was dating Jake"Nathan replied.

Someone walked past us in the hallway and Madelyn said

"Hey Jay!" it sounded pretty obvious to me that she liked him.

"hey Madelyn! What's up?" he said and walked over

"Hey Jake I'm heading to lunch wanna come?" Nathan asked.

"Yes! I'm starving" he responded and they walked off leaving me, Madelyn and 'Jay' alone

"Oh! Sorry I forgot introductions Jay this is Amethyst, Amey this is Jason or Jay for short."Madelyn said.

"hi nice to meet you" he said

"Nice to meet you Jay.. But I think I'm going to head to lunch" I said and walked to the dinning room.

I felt kinda like a third-weel. As I walked I realized I had no idea where I was going.

<here I'll give you directions.>

as he gave me directions he made me almost run into a wall about seven times, but I eventually got there

{ can I sit with you? Saph and Chrys are sitting together and I don't know anyone else, well besides Madelyn but she's talking to Jay and.....}.

sure you can sit with me but Jake is here to>

I found the table he and Jacobb were at and asked

"Mind if I sit here?"

<I told you that you could>

{Jacobb doesn't know that......}

<oh yeah...>

"sure thing" Jacobb said a bright smile on his face.

I wonder what's got him so happy.  

< he's happy that the prettiest girl in school wants to sit with him...... His thoughts not mine...>.

Way to make a girl feel good about herself and then crush her spirit Nathan... I thought not entirly to him.. But not just to myself either.

<sorry I made you feel bad just thought you wanted to know what he was thinking.>

during this little conversation with Nathan I had sat down next to Jake and across from Nathan. 

"So what's up guys?" I asked

"Nothing much, there haven't been any classes, and well the only interesting thing so far in the day has been seeing Sheila's dumbfounded face." Nathan said.

"Well I had a pretty good time with you and Madelyn in the garden... But yeah the highlight of my day was defiantly seeing you take down Sheila." Jacobb said and laughed.

The rest of the lunch we chatted about nothing in particular until Saph and Chrys came over and told us they were going out...  

Took them long enough I thought. "I'm going to go take a nap" I said at the end of lunch. "see ya later" was the basic response I got from everyone. I made my way upstairs and went to sleep.

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