Part 28

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It's now 6 months later. Me and Hyunjin are at the store shopping for stuff for the baby. In a couple weeks we're gonna find out the gender of the baby. Hyunjin really wants a girl, he says that he wants to bring her to a ballet class and watch her dance, I want a boy, I don't know why. Hyunjin says if we get both id be biased, but Ofcourse not, I'd love them.
Hyunjin: baby what do you think the gender is?
Haseul: idk.. maybe a boy?
Hyunjin: you biased woman.
Hyunjin: if we ever get both, don't you dare be nicer rn the boy or I'm breaking up with you woman.
Haseul: oh shutup.
While I was waiting in line with him to pay for our stuff, a person  pushed me and I fell in hyunjins arms.
Hyunjin: Excuse me but are you blind!? There's somebody infront you, and she's pregnant!!
???: what? HASEUL? HYUNJIN?
Haseul: RYUJIN?
Hyunjin: isn't she the popular girl from our old school?
Haseul: yeah, but she's also my step sister.
Hyunjin started getting scared and pushed me back from her,
Haseul: Hyunjin it's fine!! She's nice she's not like my dad!
RYUJIN: oh thank goodness he's dead, he used to abuse my mother!!!!
Haseul: why didn't you tell me!!
Ryujin: well I had already knew that he sent someone to rape you, I didn't wanna ruin it even more! But congratulations on your baby!!! I'm super happy for you 🥲!
"Thank you so much!" I said.
She then left and we went to go pay for our stuff.

Time skip:
I was laying on the bed waiting for the doctor  to reveal the gender, Hyunjin then spoke and said: "last time we were here was nearly a year ago.. remember baby?"
"Yeah when I had to know if was pregnant or not with that monster"
He chuckled and the doctor said "congratulations, you guys are having twins. A boy and a girl. It says on the computer that the sex was really rough. So there are 2 babies in there"
I blushed in embarrassment as when he said it was "rough"
"Thank you doctor" Hyunjin said

We left and went in the car
"We're having twins baby!!!!"
"I know... a boy and a girl!!!" I replied
"So when are you planning on tell your mom that I'm pregnant and that we're dating" I added.
"She already knows?"
"WHAT??" I yelled
"Yeah? So what she's my mom. Speaking about it look she's calling me"

H/M: hi hyunjin? Where are you honey?
Hyunjin: in the car with Haseul mom why?
H/M: oh perfect!!!! I wanted to ask you if I could finally meet Haseul!
Hyunjin: mom... you know Haseul. She's my old best friend but now she's my girlfriend!
H/M : yes baby I know I'm just asking if I can meet her now that she's pregnant with your baby!
Hyunjin: oh.. sure mom, when?
H/M: how about tonight Honey?
Hyunjin: okay.
H/M: perfect honey, tell me what does Haseul to eat?
Hyunjin: pizza. A lot of pizza mom. She makes me make her pizza nearly every night.
H/M: oh how sweet! You better make it for her! She's your girlfriend if she wants food you make it for her!
Hyunjin: yeah mom I do, she likes sushi too (coming from someone Japanese I love sushi so much 😩)
Hyunjin: she loves rice, soba , make her hot pot dumplings tteoboki, please I want her to eat well! ( just naming all my favourite foods at this point)
H/M: alright honey I'll make all of that! Let her rest well, she's pregnant she needs rest.
Hyunjin: Ofcourse mom.

At this point I felt so blessed that my boyfriend and his mother are so caring for me.
They ended the phone call.

We arrived at home and i told him I was extremely tired and I needed a nap. He carried me to the bed. "I'll have a nap with you okay?"
I stared for a good 10 seconds, I do that to him when I want something. "Yes baby?"
"Sing me to sleep like you do everytime"
"Okay baby"

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