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What else has left?

A tumultuous storm within him was surging and insufferable as every seconds passed by. His sole motive why he forced himself to descend in this wretched realm was to find and woo his betrothed. He won't mind searching her for eternity and chase her wherever she was as long as she exists. But that became his great failure now.

Her ethereal essence had already perished. She recklessly put her divine subsistence into the maze of imperilment the moment she violated the rules in celestial realm.

As a deity, she was too clever and elusive as she blended well and hid herself among the mortals that had made her too difficult to locate and trace wherever she dwelled.

He clenched his fist with utmost rage as he stared at Eris. Her spectral presence was dwindling; it will soon disappear and be gone forever. She only had a number of days before her spirit totally vanished. Since long ago, the Council of Deities had agreed to punish her of the Cessation of Existence; her soul will be destroyed and will never be granted of second chance and rebirth— once she perished.

There's nothing else has left when she decided to surrender everything she had and abjured her immortality— in exchange for what?

For love?

He roared with disgust. A violent gust of wind had scourge the whole ground once again as its multiple and ravaging ripples had its aim to destruct everything with inimitable force.

Once again, the canvas of the light blue sky was veiled with the roiling motion of huge dark clouds— it loomed through the vast arch of cimmerian sky like a devil's cloak. And this time, millions of vindictive lightning bolts are charging. It crackled and explodes in every direction, as multiple silver lights lashed and sliced a frenzied surge of shock waves throughout the boundless concave of the sky and to the broad expanse of the land. As if its rage wasn't enough, it was followed with the heavy rolling and aggravated grumbles of thunder that seemed to shake and reverberate at every corners of the realm.

"Ronin!" Eris pleaded with so much fear in her emerald eyes. "Cease your wrath, please!"

There's nothing else left in this useless realm that was worth to reckon. They don't deserve an iota of his compassion. This is long overdue anyway; he should have done this a long time ago when a mere mortal dared himself to snatch his bride away.

"Please listen to me!"

"You can't stop me, Eris." He uttered as he stared at the lifeless form of Yenaery when Eris tried her best to protect her at all cost. He's not yet done with that insipid scum. He had vowed himself to shatter her soul and punish her existence with absolute cessation in this realm.

"Ronin!" Her shrilling voice had managed to jostle along the savage howl of the wind. Well, at least she's not a mere spirit after all. "Will you please listen to me?"

He's seething with fury, his plans was reeling out of hand. Everything was ruined and became irreversible. When he ascended on that day, he was confident and he believed he could sort things out knowing that everything would fall into place in a just matter of time. "What did Aseron had told you? Did you even consider some precautions and take heed at least?"

She flinched but the squint in her eyes showed with unhindered defiance. "You shouldn't expect I'd stay and wait in there until forever. Why should I?" She retorted with obvious flare of annoyance in her voice. "And you shouldn't have forced and detained her against her will!" She heaved out with frustration as she looked at Yenaery with loneliness and despair. "But why did you keep her anyway?"

His lips had tightened as he gazed at Yenaery, her limpid countenance was always been so dull— though she looked so serene in her death. If he didn't inflict her demise by himself, he would've thought she's just slacking in complete abandon as if he gifted her with sheer bliss in her peaceful and captivating slumber.

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