59| Last Dance

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"Seed of hope?" Eris asks, still fidgeting in her seat. She couldn't believe being invited for a tea at one of the most majestic abode owned by the Deity of Light. Being served with a special tea while overlooking at an infinite flow of undisturbed Falls of Light, she couldn't help herself obviously gushing over a panoramic view her eyes has unexpectedly blessed with. Everything around has dominantly made of crystals and glimmering lights, from delicate set of teacups, intricate furnishings up to its magnificent entirety.

"Yes, it's our last remaining hope." Smiling gently at a young deity of Spring, Elleora wished Eris would be able to nurture their one last hope to maintain balance and peace across all realms. She would love to do it by herself, unfortunately, it's too risky she's afraid she won't be able to make the Seed of hope flourish within a limited time. Failure to cultivate it in the mortal realm before the Cursed child's birth, there will be no hope left thereafter. "As you know, it's a difficult feat to pass through the portal without prior approbation and divine sanction from the Council. At this crucial time, we need each other's help to get things beneficial—and perhaps, favorable for both of us."

When the Deity of Light invited her for a tea, Eris was dumbfounded when Elleora offered to help her descend back in the mortal realm. She's been wracking her brain finding solution to her predicament. She had never expected having her problem being resolved right away. "I'm beyond grateful for letting me get a pass. Without your help, I don't know how will I be able to get through the portal. Forgive my curiousity, may I ask why did you want to help?"

Mulling over, Elleora stared down at a small pod she's holding. Encased within is a delicate seed that she and other primordial deities had hardly procured. "Being burdened with immense obligation, one would seek possible solutions in every trouble. Or much worse, one would definitely resort with desperate measures whenever things became—almost irreparable..."

Eris chooses not to ask further whatever the Deity of Light had been enduring or whatsoever her predicament all about. Driven with great anticipation, she's currently filled with joy upon reuniting with her mortal lover very soon. "Ahm, what am I supposed to do with that seed? Is there anything I should do—I mean, that piece of seed seems something that should be handle with utmost care."

"Yes, it is," putting the pod inside a crystal box, Elleora took a heavy sigh. "I would like to ask you a favor. Once you reached the mortal realm, please plant this seed right away. In thousand years, I wish this seed to bring hope and light for all of us."

As a deity of Spring, Eris thought planting the seed is an easy task. "I promise to fulfill your wish, Lady Elleora."

"And I wish to fulfill yours as well..." Her eyes softened knowing Eris has a long path of lonesome journey ahead. The moment she defy the rules, there'll be no turning back. In the Mirror of Fate, she had seen all tribulations and struggles the Deity of Spring must endure. She will be condemned with her divinity being stripped off. She will be wandering alone in her long years of existence. As adversity befall against all creations, where glimpse of chance stays dim and shrouded; this young deity is marching towards her doom. "I know you are fully aware of certain consequences you will suffer. Once you take a step, there will be no turning back—definitely no chance of redemptions. Aren't you going to change your mind?"

"I will not," Eris shrugs her shoulder but stiffened right away at how she casually behaved in front of the most reverred primordial deity. "I'm sorry..."

"For what?" Gently smiling, Elleora adored at how free-spirited Eris appears to be despite all rules being set upon them. "There's nothing to apologize of. Raise your head high and stand firm whatever you believe, then everything will be fine."

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