4| Dark Dungeon

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"Yenaery. . ."

Someone keeps calling my name. It's getting louder and closer. It sounds soothing yet strange. It's a gentle voice that I don't want to hear.

I keep ignoring it but it's relentless and keep pulling all my nerves.


Please... Whoever you are just give me a minute. I don't want to wake up yet.

I have a wonderful dream and I wanted to stay there until forever. I wanted to linger as much as I want.


Sleeping time is up, I can no longer force myself to remain asleep upon hearing my name all over again.

Again and again...

Opening my eyes, there's a little gleam of light glimmering from a sconce at a corner. I'm not certain where I am but judging at a moldy, uneven surface of the ceiling, it looks like I'm in a cave or in a dark dungeon, perhaps?


It's Lady Hanaya's voice—recognizing her voice makes me fully awake. I found out, my head settled comfortably in her lap and she's patting my head as if she has all the right to do it as she pleases. With teary eyes, she looks stunned as if she herself couldn't believe I'm within her reach.

What happened?

Getting up right away, away from her lap—away from her, I'm wracking my head real hard. Last time I recall, I regained my sight from losing—


I'm not dead yet?

Why I'm still alive? I'm certain that the rascal had slain me with his saber. Did I healed that fast? Just what kind of death I'm supposed to have so my body won't have any chance to regenerate?

Everything went blasted and didn't go as what I wanted. Unfortunately, luck has been running away from me. I keep failing as if being a failure is what I'm good at.

But I didn't ask too much. I only have one wish. I wanted to rest and be gone forever.

That's my only wish.

To rest in peace.

I tried killing myself countless times but it remained futile. If I couldn't take my life by my own hand, then maybe someone could.

But fate seems determined to deprive me from such luck. I lost my chance and I don't even know when I'll ever have it. Why can't those thugs just do their deed anyway? They probably took a lot of lives before, why can't they take mine? Was it a difficult feat to do?

I didn't expect things could go wrong and fall out this way. I thought everything will proceed smoothly.

And now, I'm stuck with Lady Hanaya. I don't want to be with her.

I didn't have emotional attachment when I claimed Lady Hanaya as my sister. It just came out unexpectedly. I meant it when I told those thugs that she's my sister but I don't want to foster any affections for her.

What's this situation did I put myself in?

Maybe—staying alive and being stuck with her has a purpose. Maybe I wasn't supposed to get killed because I still have a purpose? A purpose of waiting another chance, getting failed then start all over again like a cycle?

Taking a quick glance at Lady Hanaya, she's been looking at me with patience. Like before, as always—she would watched me all day even if it takes forever. It didn't really make any sense why would she always act like that.

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