56| Until Forever

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How long did I sleep?

As water turned cold, it numbed my skin from head to toe. Last thing I recall, it was still warm when I took a leisure dip. Anyway it doesn't matter, feeling cold is my best excuse. Cuddling him closer, it feels heavenly I don't care if I clinged too tight like a nasty vine. Decency becomes a nuisance it's pointless keeping up that way. Leaning on his chest, tensed yet shameless, it's fascinating how real he is upon hearing his heart beat. It doesn't feel strange knowing he's way too high beyond my existence. "A–are you still mad?"

"I am not."

Looking up, it's breathtaking when our faces are just inches apart. From candles slowly melting away, flickering lights dancing softly across his perfect–sculpted face. From his tender gazes, down to his slightly thin rosy lips, I'm taking my time how much I missed him. My fingers are itching I couldn't stop it from grazing along his jaw. "You're still mad. If not, you wouldn't avoid me for days."

Effortlessly, he pulled and lifted me up from the tub it makes my head reel from waves after waves of sensations. It's a flustering awareness with my whole weight completely relied on him. Like a bride, he supported my back and legs it quickly makes me flush all over. My whole body tensed up with pleasant discomfort and unknown delight. With my senses turning upside down, he carries me like a precious piece. I haven't thought I would find myself all over him, getting intimate without restraint. Without a doubt, I am dangerously drawn to a revered deity that has been a constant mystery ever since. And he seems drawn to me as well I'm wondering if these are all made sense.

"It's upsetting seeing you careless as always."

"I didn't know I had taken a nap." It's amusing when he's scolding me like I'm losing my mind.

"What if you get drown?"

Chewing my lips, I'm certain he won't let it happen. "It's just a small tub."

"What if nobody's around to wake you up?"

"But you are here..." Without shame as I nuzzled on his scent, I tried to hide a smile knowing somehow everything turned out well on my behalf. He had never showed up for few days. I know he was disappointed when I chose to stay. "Thank you for waking me up."

Gently, when he put me down in a dresser chair, my spine shivered. He subtly slid his hand and it stayed longer than it seems. Seeing me harshly taking a breathe, his brooding eyes knows exactly how he affects me. Clenching his jaw, he steps back and pulls away. His touch left a lingering warmth and it induced trails of fire slowly creeping in my skin. Our proximity is unsettling yet it thrills me like a moth to a flame. It brings back time of his crude advances I thought I despised. Nothing has changed, I've been drawn to him even at first meet—I was just too naive to admit.

"You had a troubled sleep, what was it?"

"Just a bad dream," taking a glance at a dressing mirror—mortified, my eyes went wide seeing my drenched bathing dress glued on my body like a second skin. With nothing else left for modesty, I feel so bare and exposed I instinctively lift my arms for cover.

He chuckled.

It's a shame my drenched hair can't hide me against him. He seems not minding at all seeing me scantily clad until I overact. Without even looking, I know he didn't look away. "P–please turn around. I need to get my robe."

"Stay seated," it took a while before he concedes, "I will get it."

He walks away leaving me shudder in cold and shame. Staring back at a mirror, my face turned red like overripe tomatoes I could only gnaw my lips from sheer embarrassment.

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