22| Trust Issues

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"Where are you going?"

Hearing Eris' voice halted my steps. When I looked around, I didn't notice I took an opposite route away from location designated for carriages. With an unstable thoughts, I unknowingly followed some people going towards the gigantic and fortified gate of the capital.

An afternoon sun in red orange hue blatantly reminds me we should depart back to the manor as soon as possible.

But I don't want to go back yet.

I'm aware Eris didn't ask wherever I wanted to go. Worried or not, she's just trying to remind me the consequences of my action once I take another step towards the gate. She's fully aware I'm being impulsive. My mind is occupied I didn't even know where I should start and just let my feet lead—I admit, that's just plain stupid.

"Please, don't go, Yenaery."

"But Eris, I need to find her. She's my sister... I won't be at ease thinking she's been missing all these years." I can't ignore thinking worst scenarios that Lady Hanaya might have suffered. There are countless possibilities of harm that might've happened within that long span of years. "Let me find her, I'm not going to be at peace knowing she might be—she may be need help."

Breathing out heavily, she looks more troubled than I am. "Do you really believe Nesreen? What if she's lying?"

I've known Nesreen being a serpentine and double-faced. But I can read a lie at once. I know she didn't share false information about Lady Hanaya. I can see it in her eyes. "She didn't lie."

"But it's too dangerous." Her voice quivered. Pulling my arm, she tried to guide me back to our waiting carriage.

Noticing her excessive concern, something is definitely off the way she held my hand so tight despite some parcels she kept in her arms. There's something more that made her fret. Basically, she's genuinely worried for me but I can feel there's something beyond her untimely distress. "Eris, let me go."

"If I let you..." Struggling within herself, seems like she wanted to say something but couldn't find her courage to let it go. "Yenaery, please don't go. Let's go back."

Ignoring her, I pulled my hand away wondering why she disregards my serious concern. "What is bothering you? Are you really afraid of him? Don't worry, I will be back. I will not run away. We both know I cannot get away from him. But please, trust me. I need to find my sister... I want to know what happened back then. Once I know she's fine then I'll go back to the manor."

Shaking her head vehemently, "It isn't that easy, Yenaery. He's just being lenient but once you defy him, you'll regret it!"

"You—you  are really bothered because of him?"

"Of course," she glared, "What else could it be? I told you he is ruthless once you disobey him."

Rolling my eyes, I don't have enough time listening unreasonable threat she's been drilling in my head. She always want me to shrink with fear for that lunatic man as if she knows a lot about him but she won't even tell the most crucial part why I should be afraid of him. Being usually furtive, she might gave away some hint but I couldn't comprehend any sense at all. She didn't have enough courage to say everything about him straight to my face. She knew something but she's too cautious, same with Amerton, they are both determined to conceal personal facts about him.

But anyway, I don't care. I won't force them. Right at this moment, I have something I should care of—finding Lady Hanaya is something I should work on. I couldn't just live my life back at the comfort of the manor while knowing my sister has been missing all these years.

When she was abducted, risking myself was spurred based mostly with curiosity and careless attempt to end my life. After I heard her years of disappearance from Nesreen, I'm getting a sudden urge to risk my life again. And one thing is clear, this time I'm worried—I'm sure of it.

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