21| Chance Encounter

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It looks lovely...

It's been quite some time my eyes are drawn staring over an intricately designed hair accessory. I've been holding it in my hand I didn't have any intention to put it back where it had been displayed. I truly meant it how its glimmering blue butterflies easily caught my eyes.

"Are you going to take that?" Eris nudges me with her elbow.

Like being pulled under a trance, I nodded.

"Alright." Eris motioned the old merchant. "Add it up. Put it in a nice package."

"How much is it?" In a hushed voice, I reminded Eris I don't have enough coins.

Flashing a playful grin, she winks. "Don't worry he will give it for free." She whispered back. When I tried to ask what she's trying to do, she glared to shut me up. "Just watch."

Anticipating a worst scenario while watching Eris bargaining for cheaper price, an old pot-bellied merchant with a balding head seems quite pleased despite how Eris haggling all of her purchases. He's not complaining while he carefully wrapped various unfamiliar items in a floral fabric. When he noticed me watching him closely, he smiled. No, it's not a smile it looks like a sneer.

"This is your lucky day, my ladies." He draws back his chapped lips showing some of his missing teeth. "These items bring charms." He boasted as he handed out Eris' parcel. I swear his pitch-black eyes glinted.

There's something uncanny with him. But maybe he's just bemused why he can't refuse Eris's deceptions. Does Eris have a skill to manipulate? It looks like a little more prodding the old merchant will surely hand all his merchandise for free.

Thanks heavens our transaction was done, I want us to get away fast. "How did you that?"

She's giggling as usual. "That's how they call, an ultimate skill of persuasion." With a proud smile she even glanced over her shoulder. "That fraudster should thank me I still have a heart to spare him at least half of it. And it's a trade regardless. I'll bet my teeth he had fooled a lot of people more than his age."

"That's still cheating, how can you do that?"

"Look, his prices are too expensive he's even aware of that!" Stopping on her track, she squint her eyes. "Oh, hold on—did you just defended him?"

Arguing with Eris is a hopeless feat. I'm certain she has a gift reversing any situation. "What you've done is unfair. I'm insensitive but I choose equality and fair judgment—I just want things fair at least."

Raising her perfect eyebrows, she slowly twitches her lips. "Woah, you're amazing. You're getting better day by day. But still, you can never change it, dear. Life will always be unfair."

"I know. But at least I've done my part..." I trailed off, noticing I'm blabbering without sense. I shouldn't concern myself whatever tactics Eris wanted to engage in.

Losing our will to argue more, we're both silent walking along the side street. We're about to check another shop selling herbs and spices when we saw a gathering of people across a crowded street. They're gaining more attention as more passersby started to pry over something in front of a jewelry shop. Between hushed voices and loud cheers, someone keeps yelling it's like a chant summoning everyone to gather around.

Opening the shop's door, welcoming us a plethora of herb's aroma, Eris paused and looks back. "What's going on?"

"Aren't we going inside?"

"Later, come on! Let's see what's in there." She's getting excited I couldn't complain when she dragged me to go along.

"This isn't good..." I dislike squeezing myself as we eased ourselves among the crowd. Eris is too reckless and unforgiving as she paved her way pushing some people aside. Some of them are glaring and hurled their contempt but Eris didn't care at all and seems likely more amused hearing all of it. "How could you push them like that? They're glaring at us, Eris."

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