53| Solemn Oath

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"Try it again!"

Standing exactly where everything had started, Azthea's goading voice keeps scratching Eris' nonexistent ears. It weakens her already withering state of sense. She might be selfish as she always been, however, she's fighting at what she believes in. She will do anything to protect her long-lost love until her last ounce of essence snuffs out.

Doing it once again feels exactly the same—she's about to perform a dangerous task. But unlike before she's much aware of its risk and repercussions.

Under a moonless sky, the lake looks so dark and eerily calm it's unsettling whenever she tried to reckon its depth and haunting silence. Dreading without any choice left, she had to dive deep through it and locate an arcane portal she had once unlocked few days ago.

"Eris, what keeps you so long?" Hissing like a threatened viper, Azthea is running out of patience. She's pacing back and forth as if hell will break loose anytime soon. "You already agreed to do this—

"I know! I know!" Cutting her off, she would like to pull her hair tight and drown her deep into a murky lake if she only had her physical strength to put it through. She knows Azthea has been thinking of mutilating her as well. "Stop fidgeting, will you?"

Clenching her fist with much force, Azthea seems getting more disturb every minute. "It's almost an hour and you're still dawdling like a fool. That stupid lad will wake up soon and will find you here if you won't move your ass real quick!"

Sneaking out of the dungeon earlier, Eris felt sorry seeing Sullé in unconscious state. She's hoping Azthea didn't hit him hard more than what she thought. Lately, Sullé is a real pain in her neck but she understands he's dedicated doing his task.

When she opened the portal few days ago, she just scattered few drops of her blood at the lake's surface as what Azthea instructed. It was one of two key components along with Yenaery's essence. "What made you think I'll find it here right in the same spot? What if it's been relocated?"

Falling into deep thought, Azthea tried hard to look unbothered, trying to ignore. "Impossible—

"Are you sure?" Snorting, Eris really had an odd hunch. "It's been once breached, do you think they won't seal and secure it somewhere else?"

"Nonsense," waving a hand, Azthea immediately dismissed her notion. "You talked too much. Just go dive—

"Don't rush me!" Knowing she has an upperhand, she's wondering why can't Azthea find another option than wiggling her butt asking for help. "If you want, you can dive and check it for yourself."

"I would love to!" Losing her cool, Azthea rushes forward with her silver light aura snaking viciously around her form. "Don't tease me, Eris! Stop acting like you had full advantage here. Wake up!" Seething with roiling rage, she groaned when she can't get ahold even a single piece of Eris' amorphous essence. "Ronin is just using you! While he had you enchained, he has been tracking your lover as well! You must get out of here if you don't want to blow your chance!"

Staring down, Eris can't help but shrinks more knowing she's currently under Azthea's manipulations. Again, she agreed to risk and open the portal trusting she will help her save her long lost lover from Ronin's vengeful clutch. Shrewdly, knowing she vowed not to trust her again, Azthea manifested her clairvoyance prowess it totally stomp Eris' fragile resolve.

Hours before when she was enchained like a hound in a dark dungeon, knowing she had no one to rely on, she conceded after Azthea showed her a mirage. Holding a palm-sized mirror unleashing a wave of radiating vibe, Azthea projected a reflection on a rough wall enlarging a gauzy visual of a man standing by the hill. An experience of watching a replicate vision, Eris shrinks with yearn as she gazes her long-lost lover she deeply adore. Proudly presenting, Azthea introduced him as Dehran: the current crown prince in this lifetime, a handsome mortal she came across with in a middle of a bumping crowd, in a bustling street of market square few days ago. . .

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