45| Ardent Light

424 56 367

Not yet ready...

We're bound to meet each other again but it stunned me seeing him sooner than I expected—I'm not yet ready to face him. I'm still coping up, still on my way trying to pull myself together. But he knew when to strike a perfect blow—he knew I'm still mending at the corner licking all my wounds.

The deafening silence is unsettling, even the air didn't dare to stir. Every living thing seemed wise enough securing their own hole to hide which left me all alone—exposed under his piercing, unforgiving eyes.

Wide eyed, I didn't dare to blink. I have to know at least what he'll do next. I won't miss a single thing.

I refused to involve myself from any sort of complexities but everything changed after I made a wrong decision. It made my life complicated and it awakened something within which brought a whole spectrum of colors against my white and black perspective.

Time flies yet he didn't do anything. He just spent his moment staring at me as if he's deliberating something crucial, something ominous that racks my nerves at every second.

I'm supposed to feel scared and should have warned myself on high alert. I did forced myself to perceived things as threatening but I felt safe— and it's crazy, I might have some loose screws in my head.

Seeing him amidst my dire condition, he shone like a bright ray of light. Against the darkest night, he stood like a pillar of hope. He looks harmless and seemed dependable like a strong arm to hold on, a shoulder to cry on when everyone I hold dear had left me all alone—maybe because his blue-gray eyes was strangely devoid of wrath as it wasn't raging in its bluest hue. It wasn't blazing like how it scorched me like last time he—

He begins to move, walking in slow pace without darting his eyes away.

I blinked, urging myself to step back. Did I assume way too much that he isn't going to hurt me?

He didn't show any sign of threat but every gentle steps he made sent a booming burst of thunder striking straight to my chest. Suddenly, the whole ground became narrow and compressed as air felt so damp to breathe. As he walked closer, I wanted to run away as fast as I can. But I wanted to stay, wanted to gaze at his eyes—want to clear up things that had been nagging me for a long time.

My knees are wobbling but not with fear—I guess I really need to run away. I can't really stand a minute with him.

He didn't appear like he's going to hurt me. His discerning eyes didn't look cruel or playful either. It seemed warm and lenient—he made me feel safe.

But he is a Deity, for heaven's sake. It beats me when he didn't harm me yet even when I blatantly look at him straight in his eyes. There's a part of me screaming and pleading to run away before everything became too late.

But it's already too late—Funny that I seemed to hear these mocking words echoing in my ears. I'm at this point where there's no more chance to turn around because he's now standing right in front of me.

My heart turned savage and violent pounding is all I hear.

Without any words, he put his arm around me pressing me softly to him.


"Be still."

His voice was soothing yet it shakes my whole world. His embrace was tender yet it struck me all over, sending thousand bolts of shockwaves which left me stunned and breathless.

He chuckled. "Breathe, Yenaery. I'm not going to hurt you."

I catch my breath audibly. I tried to push him away but he tightened his grip even more. I found myself totally strapped next to him. Every fiber of my nerves were charging and surging to the highest degree. "Lord Ronin, this is not—

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