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This isn't fair...

Even his laugh was mesmerizing. His savageness became more lethal when he laughed his heart out. It should be illegal.

His laugh had echoed throughout the calmness and serene ambiance of the pine forest. Humming birds stopped chirping in the branches upon hearing that unusual noise. Some hares curiously peeped out from the ground to see who the hell had disrupted the silence.

Hanaya stared at Aseron with utmost wonder. She was completely beguiled upon gazing his sinful and irresistible charm. Her heart swelled with happiness and unrestrained delight. She had never seen him lost himself and laughed with no trace of derision. She felt proud because nobody had the chance to see him laugh this way. Selfish or not, possessive rather, she didn't want anybody to see his precious laugh, his charming smile and even his chuckle. Lot of them were already crazed and hooked with his rude and unfriendly charm, but how much more if they saw how arresting it was to see his charming smile and entrancing laughs?

His laugh made him look so calm and free from heavy burdens being stuck deep in his heart. He must've forgotten all of those in this moment. Heaven's mercy, she will give up anything just to see him always lighthearted and free from anxiety.

His baleful and pernicious countenance was completely replaced and nonexistent at this moment. She could watch him all day and she will never complain. His smile and his mirth were substantial enough to just forget everything and throw any cautions in the air.

When did she ever start getting attracted to him this way?

She remembered the day when she first saw him.

It's raining on that day...

She really didn't want to go out but she can never defy her mother's wishes. She accompanied her to the most renowned couture in the kingdom which offers unique and fashionable custom-made dresses and fabulous gowns. Exclusive clienteles who can afford exceptionally came from noble families and rich personalities in their society.

Though, her heart was breaking she can never show it to her mother. She can never decide and do anything for herself. Days were approaching so fast and she only had five remaining days to grieve her heart in silence. She's going to the palace to join the selection for the coveted position of being the Crown Princess.

The Lord and Lady of Zadral were too proud that they even planned to hold a farewell feast on her behalf. Even though the weather was in bad condition, her mother was still excited to go outside and travelled to the capital. That day was the date of their appointment for the final fitting of her gown which was exclusively invested by her mother.

The rain was pouring down heavily as if it's grieving. She bit her lips to keep her tears from falling.

Staring out through the glass window of the carriage, she envied the sky for being able to pour down the load when everything was heavy... She wished she could live like that. She wished she could live a carefree life with no worries of following rules and restrictions.

Her reverie was slightly distracted when suddenly, a white stallion passed along the line of her sight. The magnificent white horse was running swiftly under the heavy pour of the rain, its speed passed swiftly along the road. Its white mane was fully drenched and splendidly contrasting against its black hooded rider. They look like a pair of daredevils that defied the heavy course of the rain.

She put the curtain down. She felt even more dejected upon seeing them running freely without any inhibitions. It made her felt more frustrated because she can never dare herself to do that kind of stunts. All she does was just keep on dreaming and adding more feats in her long and impossible lists. Basically, she had the list of deeds she had wished to do. And she knew, all of that will remain as impossible dream.

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