58| Wicked Ploy

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It thrills. . .

Abruptly pulling my hand away, his cotton-soft lips rekindled sweet little moment we shared in my cabin. It's alarming yet it thrills me so... I shouldn't feel this way otherwise I might become desperate—ah, such a hypocrite... Needless to say, I already am.

I'm at this point where I finally took a leap just to be with him. My palm still burning as if his lips left its mark. Recalling his confusing acts way before, I guess I can already figured out his intent and advances, he's been stirring up my senses all along. Does it mean we didn't meet by chance when they abducted Hanaya?

"You're quite receptive unlike before," he breathed out a heavy sigh. "I have to remind myself you became too dangerous."

"And yet, it didn't stop you from making sly advances." I don't know why I felt offended. Did he really think the worst of me? Did I really have no chance to redeem myself from being born as an abomination—as what he claimed?

"Yenaery," he pulled my hand when I tried to walk away. "I didn't mean—

"Don't," frustrated, I'm torn between wanting to stay or just walk away— each choice is a struggle. I hated it everytime I become reluctant. I wanted to fight whatever we have, however, I know it's futile to begin with. I just want to be with him and steal some moments. No matter how much I keep convincing myself, I couldn't stop this lingering fear incessantly creeping within me whenever I wish for miracle. I'm wondering what cost will I owe from overstepping way too far just to be with him. "Don't touch me. You know you shouldn't, I might explode."

"I will never allow it," pulling me close to his chest, his gentle lips in my forehead felt like feathers. With just a mere touch, it easily thaw my fears and doubts away. "Don't push me away."

"But I'm a threat—

"Yes, you are," clutching his arm around my waist, he made it sure there's no chance to pull away. "You are a poison that's worth to take..."

His low voice makes me want to slug down a jug of water. We are both in each other's arms yet self-restraint keep tearing us apart. There's just something I want to explore but I don't trust myself responsible enough once I let this curiosity go astray. "W–what do you mean?" It sounds so stupid to ask, but still I did. I just can't stop myself venturing over a dangerous path. Looking up at him, I'm thrilled waiting whatever he's up to—

"Oh, what we have here? What a beautiful lovers!" A cheerful woman suddenly chimed in. "Since you are in front of my booth, take something to buy!"

Totally embarrassed, I just noticed we made quite an act amidst the crowd. Seeing some passersby openly staring and obviously amused, I tried to move away but Lord Ronin didn't even budge. Unbothered, he casually wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Obviously despised being interrupted by mere mortal, he glared at the woman with a deep-seated ill will.

"Come!" Unaffected, a bubbly middle-aged woman in her colorful multi-layered dress giddily motioned her displayed delectable stuffs. "Come, please come! Why don't you give your lovely lady a sweet treat?" She's excessively covered with fancy hanging accessories it's clanging everytime she moves. "Here, missy, try all you want! Surely, this handsome lover won't mind spending a lot for yah."

Her voice buzzes in my ears as my mouth watered at a silver tray full of sweets. There's a variety of coated sugar candies, delicate pastries, glazed crackers—name it, they are all enticing in my eyes. A sweet treat indeed! I took a slice of a layered, flaky pastry stuffed with chopped nuts. Devouring almost all of it in one go, it's crunchy and decadently sweet as honey.

With my mouth fully-stuffed, two pairs of amused eyes watching me eat like a glutton.

"Go on," smiling, the sprightful woman prodded, "Take some more! I admire a lady that eats with awesome energy." With a throaty laugh, she gave Lord Ronin a playful wink. "Got yourself lucky, eh?"

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