48| Bitter Sweet

352 52 152

Just one last time...

I regretted I didn't return earlier, the white stallion was no longer there when I came back. It could've been a great help to reach destinations rather than walking. It's already half an hour but there isn't any form of transport in sight.

But walking at a dusty and seldom travelled roadway amidst an endless row of lavender is quite relaxing. The blazing sun isn't scorching as cottony clouds cumulated just right above me like an oversized parasol. It fortunately provides an ample canopy as I keep walking. I'm still at awe seeing unusual yet advantageous instances being provided along my way. Everything seems too favorable for my comfort.

But I don't think such luck comes up by mere chances. Undoubtedly, I know such favors came from Lord Ronin. He's been helping me since then but I was too blind and thoughtless. Since day one, he's been looking after me.

I may not see him but I'm certain he's still here with me. He may not be visible in naked eye but I know he'll be around when I'm in trouble. I'll always be in a safest hand as long as he's here with me. Such thought tickles my heart I couldn't stifle a smile.

His divine presence is always been intimidating but there's more flustering reason why my heart beats erratically when I'm with him. Lately, there's an inexplicable joy stuffing every void in my heart. It's overwhelming I would've dwell in great loss and grief knowing Eris' demise. I don't know how would I cope up had he's not been around.

There's still a harrowing pain here in my heart but his standoffish approach, his eccentric protectiveness—his whole presence abated my grief. Being with him is a bittersweet moment.

There might've significant reason why he can't stay. Of course, there is. He doesn't belong in this realm and I should be grateful he's letting me go away from his clutches.

I can finally live on my own but why does it stings? Why it isn't worth rejoicing? And first and foremost, why does my heart grieving?

But I'll be fine. I'll get by. I may not forget him but I'll be better off without him. He's immensely out of my league. It's such a shame asking him to stay. But seeing him one last time isn't excessive, right? I just want a closure unlike what I had with my sister and Eris. I lost them forever without even saying goodbye, without letting them know how grateful I am having them on my side. I'll never be at peace if I lost him too without severing any ties.

Standing still while looking around, everything is astonishing in vibrant hues of lavender and indigo. I keep looking knowing he's here with me somewhere. "I know you're here, my Lord." The gentle breeze of air stops moving and even lavenders stop swaying. Every species of chirping insects became silent abruptly ceases their own song of summer. "I know you haven't left yet. Can I see you again just one last time? Can I?"

Everything went silent and it's definitely a strong sign of his presence. Though he's not making it easy for me, I can feel him everywhere but he seems don't want to show up. If he didn't want, then it's alright.

"I know you've been trying to help me." Looking above, a cloud amasses even more. "You're providing everything to my convenience I couldn't thank you more. But I wouldn't be able to stand in my own feet if you keep helping. You'll eventually leave soon, I'll be more grateful if you stop looking after—

Immediately, the air blows with force as it whistles and circulates across the field blowing every rows of lavenders sway in all direction. Air will always be invisible and formless but it has a visible formidable force. Its flow pattern changes and it's currently blowing towards me. It's beyond perplexing seeing his familiar figure suddenly emerges along with the wind. It's either wind is his main element or it exist manifesting his very own presence. He's such a wonderful sight my heart couldn't able to handle. His supernal aesthetics remained unperturbed even the wind still howling and ravaging around us.

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