Empress Crael

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Later that afternoon, his right shoulder now adorned with the temporary consort mark on his skin, Teal followed Jale to the Empress's private quarters. He tried not to stare at the extravagant wealth before him. At the marbled floors inside, the painted walls covered in artwork and the rooms decorated with ornaments. The beams throughout the larger rooms were also carved and decorated to the curved ceiling.

He lowered his gaze and caught a slight flicker of movement in the corner of his eye, the flash of material, a uniform, a uniform of a servant watching him nervously and darting out of view before they were seen.

"The Emperor is going to be very busy over the next couple of days while he catches up on affairs he missed while he was away. So, he will not be asking for you to visit him," Jale spoke, bringing Teal's attention back to him.

It was an immediate disappointment, but before he could dwell on it for too long, Jale led him up a flight of marble stairs and began to talk about how the Empress came to meet the Emperor.

"She is one of the last of the far off distant Brandeen Kingdom," Jale informed him. "A princess in her own right. The Brandeen Kingdom no longer exists. It was wiped out ten years earlier from a plague that swept through its lands."

"Really?" Teal gasped. "I was just going to say that I had never heard of it. I've heard of the Keglar Kingdom, but no one in Hulena spoke of the Brandeen Kingdom."

"Yes, sadly so. Empress Crael survived only because she was visiting an island that closed its borders after the plague broke out. Without the power to re-establish her kingdom, she left the island when she heard that Emperor Rathner was traveling nearby. She rode her horse for three days straight and offered herself as a gift. The Emperor was instantly taken by her offer. He had heard of the stories of the land now deserted and with his father on his back to take someone to produce offspring, he took her to see his father to gain approval."

"What a compelling story," Teal said, rubbing his hands over his clothes to ensure he was presentable.

Something, an emotion of despair or regret, lined Jale's features. "Well, it wasn't all good," he confessed.


Jale appeared to stare off into the distance as he climbed the stairs and Teal guessed, he wasn't going to explain further. All of a sudden, a smile came to Jale's lips.

"While undoubtedly you will spend time with the Empress, she won't be in attendance at any formal events. She has removed herself from most dealings in politics at the moment to keep her health in check while she is with child."

Teal's head jolted up. "The Empress is with child?"

"Yes," he said. "We are being very cautious. This is the longest the Empress has carried a child, so we are all hopeful there will be a healthy birth."

Jale glanced over Teal with satisfaction. "Remember what I have taught you for greeting the Empress. She follows a different protocol for greeting people. It's one of the ways she keeps some of her customs alive. You don't have to worry too much though, Empress Crael is of a wonderful disposition."

Empress Crael's greeting room was open and airy thankful to the large doors and windows that came off of it. Teal tried to get some idea of the view. They had climbed five flights of marbled stairs to reach her floor. Her greeting room however, was heavily manned for his arrival. Ten soldiers lined the walls, hindering his attempts to see what lay beyond, while two guards stood at her side, and he was accompanied by two new consort guards shadowing at his back.

Empress Crael was almost as intimidating as the Emperor himself. They waited in the middle of the room while she spoke softly with another man, her tone serious and authoritative while her hands held a thick ream of parchments. She flicked through several sheets while she pointed to different parts.

Her physique was strong, a body that Teal was sure could endure the hard trials of working on the land, and the story of her riding for three days straight, seemed more than acceptable.

Her hair was a rich auburn and her skin was tanned, but even from this distance, he could see the distinct band of dark freckles covering her nose and cheeks. Her eyes were the clearest green, like forest trees and so unlike those in the empire but also so alike to Ralen's. It was also strikingly obvious that the Empress was with child, her belly swelling significantly underneath her long dress.

She caught sight of Teal and Jale and placed a soft hand on the arm of the man she was talking with. Their conversation was finished. Empress Crael's eyes settled on Teal with more attention.

They both stared, each filled with fascination until they realized they held the same wonder for each other, and while the Empress smiled warmly, Teal dropped his head and kneeled on one leg. He was aware of Jale doing the same beside him although he rose to his feet without waiting for permission to rise. Teal remained where he was.

"So, this is the person who has sent the palace into a flutter," Empress Crael spoke with slight mirth. "You are a delight to the eyes. No wonder everyone is talking about you. Stand up so I can see you better."

Teal tried to keep his face neutral. He was concerned to hear that people within the palace were talking about him. It was one thing to have The Grand Council and the official criticizers unhappy with him, but to hear that the rest of the palace were also interested in his arrival, did not sit well with him.

The Empress continued to smile. "How are you settling in at the Purple Jade Palace?" she asked.

"It's quite an adventure," Teal answered.

"Oh, I'm sure," she agreed. "I was certainly humbled when I first arrived. I hope you do come to enjoy it." She gestured to the table beside her. "Come and sit. Rathner was telling me yesterday that you have yet to learn how to play Mocho. I would be happy to teach you."

Teal smiled and rose to his feet to join her, not missing how Empress Crael, and only Empress Crael, referred to the Emperor by his first name. Even Jale did not seem to have this privilege.

Jale also took a seat in between them.

"Yes," Empress Crael said as a servant poured drinks for them to enjoy. "The Emperor is very fond of that game. He likes the challenge, and it is always a good opener to an evening with him whether he wins or loses. I would be more than happy if you came here every afternoon after my sleep, which I unfortunately need to have every day now," she rolled her eyes, "and I'll be more than happy to teach you. Unless, of course, Rathner calls for you."

His eyes fell to her blossoming stomach. "What season will you have your child?" he asked.

The Empress rubbed her stomach, pleased. "Not until the end of summer. I have to endure the heat first which is why I am already hiding in my quarters. Trust me, I am usually far more productive than this."

The conversation continued in a light tone, the Empress pressing Jale for stories of what he saw on their travels, and it didn't go unnoticed by Teal that the whole incident of the scroll was not mentioned. Teal pondered on this momentarily. Was it to keep the Empress out of palace politics while she was pregnant or was it more sinister? Did they not want the Empress to know anything about the scroll?

Teal shook his head to clear his thoughts. Surely, it was only to protect the Empress from bad news. He watched the pair closely, and Teal was of firm belief that they were close friends.

They talked for several hours until Empress Crael decided she had sat for long enough, and the afternoon had cooled adequately for her to take a walk in the gardens at the back of the main building.

Teal waited for Jale's cue to stand but before he did, the Empress turned to him.

"Some advice for you, Teal, for the situation you have found yourself in. You have to be honest. You have to speak what's on your mind and be open with your feelings for while all the consorts have had their ups and downs, we have always been able to solve any issues that have arisen."

"Thank you, Empress," Teal said with a slight bow of his head.

Jale bade her farewell then and they quietly left her quarters walking in silence as they wound down the stairs and into the main building of the palace.

"The Empress is very friendly," Teal said.

Jale smiled. "That she is. We are all very fond of her."

The Purple Jade Palace: The Hummingbird's PlanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora