Truth Serum

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From under a bundle of blankets, Jale's gaze rested on the distant mountain ranges. His sat along one of the verandas of the temple, out of the wind and close to a small fire that had been lit a short distance away. For the most part, he was warm and content when he didn't think of what had befallen him.

The weakness in his body made him frustrated. He had always been strong and healthy, recovering from illnesses quickly. It had been several days and yet, he still struggled to walk around the temple without running out of breath or having to lean on a stone pillar for support while his body coughed the last traces of the plague from his chest.

Footsteps tapped on the stone. Jale turned his head to see who approached.

This was it.

Prince Rathner had spoken to Galton and informed Galton that he had invited Jale to join them in Talbec. The rage of his disagreement was heard throughout the entire temple, but after a heated debate just as Prince Rathner predicted, Galton agreed only if he was able to interview Jale. The three would sit together while he was under the influence of the Talekan truth serum, and Galton would be allowed to ask Jale whatever questions he wanted.

"You're looking much better," Prince Rathner said with Galton standing slightly behind him.

"I do feel better," Jale agreed. "But I feel impatient at how long it is taking me to regain a resemblance of the strength I had."

"Are you sure you still want to go ahead with this right now?" Prince Rathner asked. "We can wait longer if you wish, until you are stronger."

Jale shook his head. "We need to do this now so my remaining soldiers know it is safe and to keep this man happy." Jale said the last part grudgingly and with an off-handed wave in Galton's direction.

Galton glared but didn't respond. He motioned to a solider that was standing a short distance away, and the soldier approached with a tray. Jale spied a matching ceramic jug and cup and a small box on its surface.

"How do I know that you're not secretly planning on poisoning me?" Jale asked Galton as Galton retrieved the small box and opened its lid. Inside was a small vile of blue liquid. Galton held it up into the light as if he was assessing what he saw.

Prince Rathner answered, "Galton knows that his life would certainly be shortened if he even attempted it."

Galton gave Prince Rathner a scathing look and then to Jale he said, "The Prince has assured me that this arrangement would be very beneficial, but have you considered Jale, what it will be like serving under me in Prince Rathner's army?"

Jale rolled his eyes. "No, that is not something I had considered, actually."

"Hmph," was all that Galton responded with.

He twisted the tiny cork and tipped the vile towards the water. Jale watched as one tiny droplet dripped into the water, disappearing almost immediately. It was hard to believe it would be enough to have an effect.

Without preamble, Jale took the ceramic cup and swallowed its contents. He had never used truth serum before, but he wanted to get this over and done with.

"How did you get your hands on this?" Jale asked.

"I came to an agreement with the Talekan Assassins," Prince Rathner responded.

Jale suspected there was more to that comment. He kept his mouth shut however. "I have not had truth serum before," he revealed. "So, I'm unsure of how I will respond."

"The amount we have given you should not make you feel too different," Galton stated.

"How long will it take?"

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