The Emperor's Mother

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There was no denying Jale's dark mood the next day. The other consorts took it in their stride and gave him space. Apparently, it didn't happen often, but Jale was known to have a temper when the politics of the palace became complicated and didn't go in the Emperor's design.

Teal followed the lead of the other consorts and let him brood, but they all lifted their heads at the same time when he finally spoke towards the end of their morning meal.

"The Emperor will spend the next two days with the Empress. Preparations for the Midsummer Festival are back in full swing." It was the only indication that something had gone wrong and they were now moving forward. "Teal," Jale spoke again. "I need you to attend my quarters this evening. I would like to extend your lessons to discuss what will happen over the Midsummer Festival. The Emperor's mother will be in attendance."

Teal tried to keep his face innocent when in truth, he had jumped at the prospect of what could really lay ahead. His mind went instantly back to Jale returning the night before and taking him apart in his bed.

"Certainly," he said and continued with his food.

Jale offered them a weak smile and left.

Ralen sighed. "I heard that the prisoner was murdered in his cell before they were able to get anything worthwhile out of him."

The table paused. It wasn't like Ralen to engage in gossip so Teal was inclined to take his words as truth. Teal watched Jale's withdrawing back wishing he could do something to help.

When he turned back to the table, he caught Delba's gaze. She had been watching him, watching his reaction. He tried to be nonchalant, but her eyes narrowed.


As the days led up to the start of the celebrations, excitement started to buzz through the palace, and the murdered guard was forgotten in the hectic rush to complete preparations.

Teal had celebrated the Midsummer Festival in Hulena with the rest of his town, and much time and energy was spent in the preparations to ensure that there was enough food, dancing and entertainment. The capital celebrated the Midsummer Festival with one long week of parties and on a scale so much grander than Teal had ever experienced.

Political endeavors and the running of the empire were effectively shut down. Official duties were put on a hold with only the bare minimum or emergency items being attended to. Those behind the scenes who saw to the day-to-day running of the palace, had their numbers doubled.

It did not go past Teal's attention at how the atmosphere in the palace changed with the Empress Dowager's impending arrival. Two days before the festival started, she arrived with more pomp and fare than Teal had seen in his life. He observed her entrance to the palace from one of the towers along the wall.

Her retinue was large with twelve caravans. She rode in the first, pulled by four luxurious strong horses covered and decorated with the imperial colors and seal. Her own personal guard could easily be over a hundred men who were positioned behind, in front and around her caravan. Out ahead, an additional five men in the same uniform, carried horns to announce her arrival.

Teal guessed the other caravans contained her personal maids. All of the windows were covered and while Teal strained himself over the edge of the wall to catch a glimpse, he couldn't see anyone who could have been inside.

Her servants didn't get the luxury of a caravan. Instead, they walked at the end of the long procession. When he looked down into the arrival courtyard inside the palace, he saw the Emperor, Prince Vox and Prince Salren standing together to greet her personally.

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