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When it was all done, after the caravans had burnt at their highest and the horses that had come with the Brandeen travelers had been moved towards the camps, Galton addressed the remaining travelers.

"You have a choice, take what you can and leave back along the pass or die here." He took a step back and joined Prince Rathner and Jale where their soldiers had reformed into their strong and strict lines.

For the everyday person, the sight of the three different parties of men would have been terrifying, especially after witnessing what they had just done. There was no doubt they meant every aspect of that threat. They took the chance while they could. Tripping and running, they grabbed whatever belongings they had left and took to the pass.

Prince Rathner saw Galton's head and shoulders drop as he watched them run away towards what would inevitably be a cold and hungry death. It was the first time he had ever seen the man express any hint of sadness, and he dared to reach out and squeeze the man's shoulder. "It had to be done," he said softly.

Galton lifted his head. "Yes, it had to be done," he agreed.

With that, Galton turned to Prince Tolder who had been brought back down the trail. He had been pushed to his knees on the cold ground and two soldiers stood on either side of him. Prince Rathner watched the man try to remain in control of his emotions. In his mind's eye, Prince Rathner could still see the deathly sick girl lying on the stretcher. The image would haunt him for a very long time.

"You don't get the option of whether you can go back up that trail or not," Prince Rathner said, holding his sword out and pointed towards Prince Tolder's throat. "Your journey ends here and now."

Before Prince Rathner could continue, a loud, long shout suddenly came from somewhere inside of Jale's soldiers where they stood lined up.

Prince Rathner and Jale both turned in confusion.

It was a war cry.

A war cry to start fighting!

The men at the front of the group of soldiers also turned in confusion, and the Talbecan soldiers only a short distance away, moved back uncertainly.

Prince Rathner tried to determine what was happening and then to his shock, he started to see the Keglan men fighting with each other. Swords were drawn and unsuspecting men who had not been aware of the coup, fell as swords were slain into their backs.

As the regiment of soldiers parted, the men chose their destinations. Some Keglan men headed towards where Jale was standing while the rest stormed towards the Talbecan soldiers.

Prince Rathner lifted his sword. "Defend all Talbecans," he yelled. He looked at Jale one last time. "What in all the Gods is this madness? I trusted you!"

Before Jale could respond, Prince Rathner lifted his sword back behind his shoulder and let it swing down.


Jale thought he was going to throw up. Could this day get any worse? First the slaughter of these innocent people and now, it appeared as if his own men had turned against him. No, in fact, he thought as he watched Prince Rathner's blade come down towards him, it was the worst day of his life because in a few seconds, he was going to die.

A hard shove came from his left and sent him barrelling to the ground, putting him out of distance of Prince Rathner's sword. He recovered quickly and rolled to his feet to see that it was Brelen who had saved his life. The man moved on, taking a step back from Prince Rathner and indicated he was not going to fight. Relief filled Jale. He still had some supporters left.

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