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"Good, good work," Prince Tolder said, monitoring his pupil's progress from a distance. Prince Tolder was pleased with his student's work; neat, tidy and clean stitches that would ensure the prisoner's wound would heal.

The flaps on the old tent whipped violently in the wind. Outside, a desolate, rocky landscape surrounded the Emperor's most remote labor camp. It was a large camp, five hundred men at the last count, perched near the rocky cliffs on the outskirts of the Empire. It bordered with the mountain ranges that eventually led into The Lost Deserts.

The camp itself, at best description, was a sorry sight of scrappy tents and dug out caves. At night, men huddled to hide from the harsh elements and during the day, they mined the red stone that was used to help create the marble so loved in the capital.

That was their punishment. That was his punishment although it was self-inflicted. Punishment for trying to save his people. Prince Tolder clenched his jaw. It was a fury that would never leave his blood. His time for revenge would come. No, it was coming. He was working on it now, and his alliances in the Keglar Kingdoms would help to ensure it.

The Emperor, Prince Tolder was sure, believed his army had brought the camp back under control and that it was now strictly ruled and patrolled. Prince Tolder's rebellion still existed. Thanks to Prince Tolder's work, only two main factions now ruled the camp. He had brought four under his tethers. Nonetheless, arguments still occurred. It was inevitable. These men were thugs – not as bad as the north western camp that was full of murderers – but still enough anger filled these tents to incur a knife fight here and there.

"So, Lana survived, did she?" Prince Tolder asked. Vealon, his pupil, kept his head down not wishing to interfere with this conversation.

"Yes," the Emperor's soldier responded. "Your assassin was mauled to death by a tiger, by the Lombock."

Prince Tolder turned sharply to face the soldier. "So, he shapeshifted and the tiger attacked?" he asked with a hint of disbelief.

"Apparently so," the soldier returned. "It's unbelievable! A tiger!"

"It is interesting to say the least. The tiger was sworn to protect, to stop the Lombock from fighting and there it goes and attacks?" Prince Tolder shrugged, deciding to ponder this news later in private. "Any news of retaliation from the Emperor?"

"News came in late this morning by pigeon," the soldier confirmed. "He's giving his brother extra men to control the camp. Emperor Rathner is coming here to find you as well."

"How long until they arrive?"

"Four weeks."

"Do they bring the Lombock?"

"No," the soldier replied. "He will stay back to protect the Empress."

Prince Tolder smiled, pleased. "He fell for it. He won't see our plan coming. Perfect." Prince Tolder sat back in his seat, pleased with the news. "There's no need for concern. We'll be long gone by the time they arrive, and the Emperor will get what's coming for him," Prince Tolder announced. "Tell our contact in the palace however, that if they can't give us more frequent and purposeful information, we're finished."

"Be patient," the soldier implored. "It has been hard getting adequate information out of the palace since they tightened security. Our new contact is restricted, but they are doing the best they can."

Prince Tolder's only response was a nod, and the soldier took his leave. At his departure, Prince Tolder reviewed his student's work again and gave his approval. Happy with what he had seen and knowing that the man would be back on his feet after ample rest, Prince Tolder leaned back in his chair and lit his cigar. It was a fine luxury smuggled into the camp from the isolated cities on the edge of The Lost Deserts.

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