Cleaven Estate

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Two hours later, Cokrin lay on a not so comfortable bed. With a flash of Brelen's coin bag, the inn Teal had found had not asked questions and had even provided Cokrin with a healer.

Fortunately, the wound was not too deep. It had been covered with medicinal herbs to stop infection, and he had endured the gash being sewed back together. The gold Cokrin now held, was enough to give him time to rest without having to move on.

Saying goodbye to Teal had been hard. Deep down Cokrin understood he wouldn't be able to join him. Teal couldn't wait for him either, not when there were pursuers in the forest who would be searching for someone with the scroll. It wouldn't take much to work out that Brelen had come across their camp, and now that it was deserted, it would be obvious they had moved on. And if Brelen didn't have the scroll with him, it would be evident that those at the camp now did.

Cokrin fretted, wondering whether they had been followed. He lay quietly, thinking of Teal and hoping he had made it away. He was sure he would have. Teal was fast and strong, much faster and stronger than he was.

Exhaustion was starting to set in when Cokrin heard loud banging on the inn door below and muffled voices. Only a minute later, footsteps were on the stairs.

Panic hit Cokrin's stomach as the room filled with soldiers, dressed in uniform with the Emperor's emblem on their shoulders. Their faces were taunt and serious. Cokrin stared up at them, too filled with awe to be filled with fear, and too filled with pain to be filled with desire to try and run.

"I guess I didn't pay the innkeeper enough gold then," Cokrin managed, intending jest.

The commander's rough expression softened, and he waved the soldiers that had accompanied him, back.

"That's your caravan we found out in the woods earlier?" he asked.

Cokrin swallowed and hoped the truth might keep him alive. He nodded.

"A friend of mine, a fellow soldier is dead. His name was Brelen."

"We didn't kill him," Cokrin cut in.

"I know. You said 'we'? You weren't alone?" the commander asked, pulling up a chair to take a seat beside Cokrin's bed.

"I was with my friend, that's all."

"Where is he now?" the commander asked.

Cokrin's lips remained shut.

The commander's eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward, arms resting on his thighs. "Why don't we start by telling the truth? Did Brelen give your friend anything?"

Cokrin maintained his silence. The commander's face held an unreadable expression.

"Send men out to search," the commander ordered, looking over his shoulder. "Whoever this friend is, he can't be that far off. We'll catch up with him."

Cokrin reached for the commander's forearm and gripped it tightly. "Wait! Don't hurt him. He's... taking something to the Emperor."

"We'll save him the trouble," the commander stated.

"Just... He's, he's a Lombock."

Everyone in the room paused.

After a brief moment of silence, the commander scoffed, "Impossible!"

"He won't hurt you if you do not have intent to hurt him," Cokrin told him.

"Does he have the scroll?" the commander asked.

Cokrin closed his mouth again, unsure of how to answer. Would he be endangering Teal or helping him?

"Your silence is answer enough," the commander stated, rising to his feet. "It is fine. We are here for the Emperor."

The Purple Jade Palace: The Hummingbird's PlanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum