A Ripple

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"You panicked," Menelt said.

Princess Estina heard his feet come to a stop a short distance behind her.

She didn't answer. She didn't even turn on the large rock that she was sitting on. Instead, Princess Estina maintained her pose of solitude. Out of all the people in her life now, only Menelt would be bold enough to dare break it.

Alone and overlooking the ravine, the forest trees standing tall at their backs, the rest of Menelt's men were a good hundred meters away setting up camp. From where she sat, she could see the impressive four hundred mountain men who were now back with Menelt having fled Prince Yernal's army.

Gone were Princess Estina's refined, elegant clothes and signet to signify her position. Now, she was dressed in simple brown trousers and an unflattering loose, long sleeved shirt. Her healthy frame bore a thick silver chest plate; a luxury that Menelt only afforded for her - everyone else donned the simple leather armor of the clansmen. Princess Estina's long black hair was the only thing that remained of her previous life, apart from her brother, Alain, and her personal guard, Clagen. Those two were still determined to follow her wherever she went.

"What good am I going to be, if all I'm going to do is panic?" she finally asked, kicking the rocks at her feet in anger. "If it wasn't for Srenlat and Crolet, I'd be dead right now." The Princess sighed. "They must think I'm a joke."

"If Srenlat and Crolet thought you were a joke, they wouldn't have saved you," Menelt said evenly. "The man who attacked you was twice your size."

Princess Estina managed to scoff. "Since when were you a man to add honey to your words to try to make me feel better? In the past two years, you've always spoken the truth and for that, I've always respected you."

"I've seen some of my toughest and strongest fighters freeze. Remember your shield is just as good as any weapon. Don't forget to use it." Menelt paused. "Your mood has been off ever since your lady-in-waiting, Ardena, left."

Princess Estina crossed her arms. "Can you blame me? She's pretending to be me to keep a price off your head!"

"Hah, nothing will stop a price from being on my head now. And don't worry," Menelt stated calmly. "Ardena won't be."

The Princess spun on the rock to stare at Menelt in confusion. "What?"

"I ordered one of my men who accompanied her, to poison Old Man Tehlea once they arrive," Menelt explained with a casual shrug. "She will be back in several months."

Princess Estina let out a laugh. "Only you would have the audacity to come up with that." She rose to her feet. "But, why would you do that? He holds ties to Prince Yernal."

"Who cares who he has ties to?" Menelt argued. "She is needed here, isn't she?"

"She is my friend and my closest confidant," Princess Estina confirmed. "Clagen will also be most happy to hear this news."

Menelt's scoffed. "Of course, he will"

He turned and started to walk away, but stopped when he heard Princess Estina call out to him.

"Have you heard from your contact?" she asked.

Menelt paused mid-stride and looked over his shoulder. "Yes," he smiled, a rare act indeed.

Princess Estina leapt off the rock and broke into a run to reach Menelt's side. "What have you heard?" she asked.

They settled into an easy pace.

"It is good news," Menelt informed her.


On the way back from his training session, Teal passed through the main palace. He caught sight of Lana some distance away and watched as she moved freely. He remembered how she had told him to close his eyes to see whether he could determine how she made her way around the palace with such ease. Teal did so and copied her movement, trailing his hands along the wall. He stopped short and opened his eyes straightaway, only now noticing that one line of tiles along the wall were of a different texture to the rest.

The Purple Jade Palace: The Hummingbird's PlanΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα