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A bird sang merrily in the branches above their heads. In stark contrast, the mood between the Emperor, Empress and Jale was somber. Their pace was slow and silent while they took a moment of solitude from the hectic events that had transpired over the past day. Jale let his thoughts sway to Teal.

The Empress had been waiting with Teal standing respectfully but powerfully behind her. The sight of the pair had caught Jale off guard. They had created an enigmatic beauty standing together, and it struck Jale as if the Emperor and himself were guests the Empress and Teal were welcoming. Then Teal had turned and left, and Jale sensed that information of some kind must have passed between the Empress and Teal. Information that had not been received well.

The Emperor stopped suddenly on the path startling Jale back to attention. He took the Empress' hands into his own and kissed them each in turn.

"Much has happened, my love," the Empress spoke into the silence.

Worry still held in the Emperor's eyes. "You are sure you're well and safe?"

"Of course!" the Empress replied with a forced laugh. "You needn't worry about me here in the palace."

The Emperor stood silently drinking in the sight of her, ensuring that just like her words, she was safe and well. His hands grazed over her large stomach and he leaned down to kiss it.

Jale glanced at the noisy bird while the Emperor and the Empress shared their moment. It was a small, silky, blue feathered bird with red flecks on the tips of its wings. A creature that was either on its way to or leaving the beauty of The Blue Garden. The bird suddenly called; a powerful distinctive and loud call that was opposite to its diminutive and otherwise unimpressive size. It was a call of warning, of imminent danger.

Jale tilted his head and looked up to the sky, blue and brilliant as the sun sat at its highest point. There in its initial glare, he caught the hint of larger wings, a creature of prey circling that was hidden by the blinding rays of the sun. Jale lowered his head from the intense light in his eyes. He frowned.

The bird of prey so reminiscent of the threat that was circling over their heads. The Emperor, lost in the embrace he had gathered the Empress in, was certainly deciding on how he was going to retaliate to the attack at the Summer Palace.

Jale clenched and unclenched his fists hidden behind his back. It was the manner in which they had been attacked. How cowardly not to attack straight on where they could see them coming, but hiding in the shadows. And to go for undoubtedly the weakest person. Spineless. Did they want to strike one person off at a time to get back at the Emperor? Was that their new strategy? Gutless, they were.

Their solitude was disturbed by the sound of a several men approaching. Jale turned, and the Emperor and the Empress separated to find Prince Salren striding towards them, Prince Vox only a step behind. Jale sighed inwardly as a glare was passed his way and true to his place, Jale stepped back to allow Prince Salren speak to the Emperor. Prince Vox's demeanor was much less hostile, but Jale dared not speak to him.

The Emperor turned to Empress Crael. "Leave us, please. Rest and know that I am at peace knowing you are safe."

The Empress nodded; her frustration clear. She did not argue however, and instead, quietly left the group of men winding her direction into the garden and back to the main building.

"You can have one thousand extra men from Crolet city," the Emperor spoke, turning to face Prince Salren. Jale held his breath and he felt Prince Vox freeze beside him. "Keep half of your men on the border and send the other half to Camp Rein. From what we've been able to determine, the Hummingbird is currently hiding there."

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