Bad News

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The pace Teal took to reach the palace was fast, but it was one he could maintain. At times, he leapt onto the branches and sped past riders who were traveling on the same path the Emperor's party had used the day before. His job was not to determine whether they were potential threats or not. That would be down to the scouts the Emperor would send out. Teal's mission was to reach the palace and to reach it fast without being seen.

He had only stayed long enough to put on his concubine clothes. In his vest, he carried another scroll, a scroll far different from the one he had originally carried for the Emperor. This scroll was written in the Emperor's own hand, and it would bade him entrance into the palace if anyone questioned his solo and hurried return.

Teal didn't allow the events of the evening to distract him. His two soldiers who had always followed him, were no longer present, and in fact, they hadn't been with him since they had arrived at Askoflin Palace. Free in the forest with no one shadowing him, if it wasn't for the urgency to ensure the Empress was safe, this journey would have been close to exhilarating.

Sometime later, a break in the trees appeared and the edge of the city came into view. Teal's focus shifted. It was mid-evening and the hot weather meant that the streets of Dalenia were full of people going about their business and enjoying the cooler part of the day.

To aid his approach and to minimize being spotted, Teal leapt onto the roofs of the buildings and sprinted with ease over their surfaces, jumping over the gaps of the bustling streets below. Fortunately, those on the ground were more concerned with what was going on at eye level than with what was occurring above them. There was one small boy taking refuge on a balcony who caught a glimpse of him. Teal gave a wink and was gone before the boy could react.

The palace gates were yet to close officially for the night. Aware that his approach was now being watched by the guards on the wall, Teal jumped down from one building and made his final approach using normal means via the gravel road. At a brisk walk, Teal reached the palace residents' entrance, his purposeful and confident stride causing the young soldier at the gates to bow his head, although he did look confused and somewhat timid to be in Teal's presence.

"Good evening," Teal said, his breath steady despite the shimmer of sweat that covered his brow. He didn't come to a complete stop. He wanted to keep the exchange simple and relaxed.

The soldier nodded. "It is a nice reprieve from the day. You've returned earlier than everyone else?"

"Yes, the Emperor worries about the Empress, but worries more about her mood if he disturbs her again himself," Teal joked and continued to lie. "I am to report back to him later tonight on how she and her unborn child fares."

The young soldier laughed as if it was his business to know of the Emperor's and Empress' personal tiffs. He waved Teal on into the palace grounds. "The Emperor is lucky he has someone who can make the journey so quickly."

Teal smiled over his shoulder and hurried through the courtyard. It was clear for the most part this evening, and he found some relief in knowing that the mood in the palace was calm. There was no cause for alarm or sense of distress.

Nonetheless, Teal sprinted towards the first inner wall, the same one that he had used on his midnight trail. The endless twists and turns of pathways at the entrance of the palace grounds were only going to be a hindrance and slow him down. Following the pathways of the walls would be far quicker.

He reached the core building, dropped down from the wall and skirted around to the normal entrance. Even here, the palace was going about its usual affairs without any sense of distress. There was nothing he saw to make him believe the Empress was in any danger. His feet barely touched the tiles as he raced across the main foyer towards...

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