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The second night of the Midsummer Festival, the Emperor invited people from the city to put on performances for the imperial family. It was a relaxed atmosphere, professional troupes were not used and instead, children and young adults from throughout the city were invited to perform. They were greeted with enthusiastic applause, their efforts congratulated with affectionate laughter and appreciation. To receive such an invitation was seen as the greatest prestige.

On other evenings, different officials and leaders throughout the city came to dine with the Emperor. The Transportation Department, the Ports, Finance, and even the officials from the Grand Library, all had their turn of sitting with the Emperor to enjoy his food, music and entertainment. They came bearing gifts thanking the Emperor for his hard work throughout the year and in turn, the Emperor gave gifts to his loyal and dedicated officials.

As the week proceeded, Teal and the other consorts were given different nights off and those who were asked, accompanied the Emperor to the different festivities. On the fourth night, Teal and Delba were asked to join the Emperor to watch a theatrical performance by a professional troupe. It was a splendid affair with lavish costumes and backdrops. The artists danced their way through the performance, and Teal was soon captivated by the show.

At one pivotal point in the night, he turned to catch the Emperor's attention when a dancer leapt down through the ceiling without ropes for support. The dancer landed agilely and continued twirling and leaping through the air.

It was not the Emperor's eyes that met Teal's. Next to the Emperor was the Emperor's mother. Their eyes locked. Teal's presence surged forth, and he was surprised when the Empress Dowager bowed her head slightly in acknowledgement. Teal's eyes glowed, but it wasn't a glow that sent soothing energy through his body, it was something else.

Teal's heart pounded. This was not an interaction between himself and the Empress Dowager. It was an interaction between the Empress Dowager and the presence. Without any other indication of what had just taken place, the Empress Dowager turned her attention back to the stage. Teal quickly looked around. Mesmerised by the performance, everyone else remained oblivious to what had just taken place.

After the performers took their last bows, the audience rose and retired to the courtyard where servants handed out nibbles and drinks for the imperial family and guests to enjoy. Teal stayed close to the Emperor not used to talking with the family members who were present. Delba, on the other hand, mingled quite easily amongst the guests, the usual rules for the consorts forgotten during the Midsummer Festival.

Most of the guests cast wary glances in Teal's direction. Only the bold and brave dared to speak with him and even then, it was kept to polite pleasantries regarding the festivities and the performance they had seen. He caught a glimpse of Prince Yernal and followed Ralen's advice. He spied something on the other side of the courtyard and drew the Emperor's attention to it.

Teal pointed to the sculpture and guided the Emperor across the courtyard, The Emperor's hand coming to rest upon his shoulder.

"You do not need to fear Prince Yernal," the Emperor told him.

Teal swallowed. Nothing got past the Emperor.

"Rumor has it," the Emperor continued, "he wants nothing to do with you. Rumor has it," the Emperor smiled. "He is quite scared of you."

"Really?" Teal asked, surprised.

The Emperor chuckled, but then all of a sudden, Teal saw a deep frown appear on his forehead.

Teal followed his line of sight. In one of the corners of the courtyard, off to the side and away from the other guests, Delba stood with Prince Salren, the pair deep in conversation. A respectable distance remained between their bodies, but it was obvious that whatever was being discussed, was of a serious nature.

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