An Altercation

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The Emperor's arm dropped heavily onto Teal's shoulder in warning and from the corner of his eyes, Jale tapped the base of his cup twice with his finger, an indication to stop, to not talk.

Teal closed his eyes, hiding the swell of light that was beginning to surge forth. No matter what, he could not let those around the table see that occur. There was something else too, a surge from within, a panic that was transforming into something else as the adrenalin started to pump. He had never wanted to attack someone out of hate, defense yes, but not hate. Never before had Teal felt the urge to hurt someone. It was so uncharacteristic of his nature.

The guards behind the Emperor shifted.

Teal didn't even have to look at them. He heard their weapons being drawn, and he sensed a change in their stance and demeanor. They weren't aiming their weapons at Prince Yernal. They were aiming them at him.

Teal swallowed down the pain in that truth. That the Emperor, sitting beside him with his arm over his shoulder, had given that order. There was another hard cold truth within his bones however. The guards would be useless in stopping him from reaching Prince Yernal in time. They might succeed in killing him after, but Teal would get to the Prince first.

All of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, a touch, gentle and friendly, settled on his thigh. He felt Lana lean briefly against his arm, and he caught the scent of her gentle rose perfume. It brought him back, grounding him to the party, and when he opened his eyes, they were normal.

Teal moved back into the space under the Emperor's arm. He was still fuming inside. It had been a long time since someone had insulted him to his face, and then, he caught Prince Yernal's eyes glide over Lana, lust and want written all over his face. Teal's chest continued to move rapidly, trying to steady his breathing. He would never let Prince Yernal get anywhere near her.

"I have come to realize," the Emperor stated loudly, "that our knowledge of this race is quite limited and, in some instances, not that accurate. But you'll have to forgive my new concubine. He has not been at the palace for long, and he is still learning the ways of the court. Forget about him for now and enjoy the night. We have prepared such a celebration and I know," the Emperor stated with a smile on his face, "the women are plentiful."

"Tell me," Prince Yernal suddenly began. "You proudly claim that your father dismantled slavery throughout your empire, but what is the difference between the consorts at your side and what occurred before your father's dynasty?"

"Simple," the Emperor spoke evenly. "My concubines and consorts are with me by choice and their choice alone."

Teal was surprised at how the Emperor was able to stay calm as if the topic of the conversation was no different than that of the weather.

The Prince laughed, an arrogant scoff. "I could guarantee that there are many slaves in my kingdom who would also state they are with their master by choice. Isn't it a person's filial duty to be a concubine if asked? As if a person could say no? I see no difference between the chains of slaves and the tattoos on your consorts' arms."

Out of the corner of his eye, Teal saw Jale take a deliberately long drink from his cup. He was becoming familiar with Jale's body language, and Teal could tell he was not impressed with the direction of this conversation.

"They don't usually kowtow," Prince Vox added, a weak argument. It was also common knowledge that he was more than fond of several of his consorts. "They kiss the back of his hand."

"My point exactly," Prince Yernal stated. "Simply replacing one act with another. Where is the difference?"

"The difference is," the Emperor stated still calm and collected. "Is that there is a mutual attraction and desire to be in the relationship. If the other person is not interested, then I am not interested. I relinquish them of their duties. I do not brainwash my consorts to be with me. All my consorts are happy in this one relationship. Now," he nodded towards the stage before Prince Yernal could speak again. "We are wasting time when we could be enjoying our evening."

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