Prince Yernal Of The Keglar Kingdom

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Teal's last health check saw Jale accompanying him down to Nala and her associates' medical rooms. Jale walked down a hallway that joined onto a flight of stairs in a completely different part of the palace. The rooms were still clean and tidy, but the elaborate decorations had certainly been left for the floors above. Jale stopped in front of one door and motioned for Teal to enter.

Books of different sizes, old and new, lined one wall while the opposite wall was filled with shelves holding a large array of small potted plants able to thrive in the indoor setting. Apothecary jars held roots and herbs; some Teal recognized while others he could only stare in wonder.

He didn't have time to question what was on display for Lolena was all business, ready to get his health check completed as quickly as possible. With Nala away, it meant a double workload for Lolena. No one mentioned to Teal however, where Nala had gone.

Used to the process by now, the last check-up finished rather quickly with Lolena proceeding to give Jale a nod of approval. "He's all good. Completely clear."

Pleased, Jale set down his writing stick. "I will inform the Emperor at once. I'm sure he'll be wanting you to swear your loyalty as soon as possible."

"How long after I swear my loyalty will the Emperor ask for me?" Teal asked, trying to sound casual. They were back on the pathway heading towards the Purple Jade Palace for their evening meal.

"That will be up to him," Jale told him simply. "But usually, the Emperor likes to take someone on the very same night that they swear their loyalty. That is what he did with Ralen and Delba." Jale glanced at Teal as they walked. "Are you feeling more comfortable around him now?"

"Yes, of course," Teal said quickly. It was a half-truth. He wasn't as afraid as when he had first met the Emperor, but the man could still turn his stomach into knots.

Teal looked over his shoulder to the large palace behind him and the towering balconies over his head. He gulped loudly and hated how the nervousness hit his stomach again.

"Aahh," Teal heard Jale sigh. He followed Jale's line of sight to where several palace workers were moving a long chaise lounge. "Preparations for Prince Yernal from the Keglar Kingdom. I will talk with you later, Teal. I better ensure they set up his quarters appropriately." He took one step and stopped. "I am attending the Emperor tonight so I will pass on the good news."

Before Teal could respond, Jale turned and left, leaving him to make his own way back to the Purple Jade Palace. Teal shook his head, trying to clear it, his thoughts so caught up on the Emperor.

"So, you're still here," Ralen said as Teal joined him at the table on the veranda.

Teal gave him a large gracious smile. "Still here."

"Glad to see it," Ralen said, and he took another large bite into the meat pierced on the fork he was holding.

They ate in silence for several moments, comfortable enough in each other's company.

"Jale mentioned that Prince Yernal from the Keglar Kingdom is coming to visit," Teal casually mentioned after he had eaten a good portion, Jale's words finally sinking in.

He had only heard of the Keglar Kingdom as the kingdom next to their empire. A kingdom that they were on friendly terms with, their land separated by the wide river of Trenia. Teal was also vaguely aware that Jale had mentioned some of the heads of the Keglar Royal Family during his lessons.

"Prince Yernal is coming to meet with the Emperor to revise elements of one of the current trading agreements. Apparently," Ralen stated with an air of sarcasm, "there are aspects that need fine tweaking. Meaning Prince Yernal wants to be a pain in the ass again."

The Purple Jade Palace: The Hummingbird's PlanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz