Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

Jasmine stared at the tip of Sirius' wand pointed at her face. His grey eyes were alight with power. Was he really about to hex her? What had prompted this kind of a reaction out of him?

She raised an eyebrow at the weapon in front of her. "Have you gone absolutely mental? You do realize that I can disarm you without a wand?" She pointed out, glaring daggers at him. Jasmine didn't want to hurt him, but she wasn't about to let him hold her at wand point because he had thought she was an imposter.

He didn't move, but the muscle in his jaw twitched. Sirius wasn't about to back down from this. Who did he think she was? She was the only Jasmine he ever knew. "I don't know what you are, but I intend to find out what you did to Jazz." He made a motion with his wand, but before he could cast a spell a loud yowl tore through the room.

Both heads turned.

Ro dashed in from the open window and for a brief moment glowed before the entire room was enveloped in white. Despite her better judgement closed her eyes to avoid the blinding glow coming from her cat.

When the light faded Jasmine was on the ground, or what could be considered the ground when she was in an endless whitespace. She was still dressed in the same white dress from the ritual, though she could see out of both eyes, so she hadn't been physically taken somewhere. She put a hand to her face and found that her scars were missing. Where had Ro brought her? It felt a bit like the times that Death had pulled her into their little dream space, but it had always had a destination in the past.

"What the actual hell is going on?"

Jasmine turned around at the voice and saw that Sirius no longer had a wand in his hand as he staggered around and took the room in. Why had Ro brought him with her? What kind of mental landscape were they both brought to? It wasn't a park, so it wasn't one of Death's preferred venues. Why did the Deity bring them here?

Jasmine stood up on shaky legs and dusted herself off.

"I'm not sure. But it seems that the powers at play don't want you attempting to kill me," Jasmine replied, running a hand through her hair, it was still long and curly like Jasmine's and her height was still significantly less than it had been as Harriet.

Sirius cocked his head to the side as his gaze traveled up and down. She had to look different. An odd combination of both Jasmine and Harriet. She had lived as Jasmine for over two years, seeing one face continually looking back at her would only change her mental perspective on how she appeared to herself.

He stalked up to her, finger pointed. "I'll ask, again, who are you? You look somewhat like Jasmine, but not, you talk like her, but you don't sound like her. You have a giant dementor following you around for months and tonight it kissed you. If a dementor kissed you, it would have taken your soul. I don't know what kind of abomination is left over, but I don't intend for you to hurt the Potters."

Despite being taller than her, Jasmine didn't feel all that threatened as Sirius' voice wavered. She smacked his hand away from her face. "I'm the same person that has saved your sorry arse for the last two years. You're the idiot that attacked someone who just went through an inheritance ritual! In what universe did you think that would be a good idea with all the ambient magic flowing through not only me, but the Potter Manor grounds as well! I know you're smarter than this, Sirius."

He crossed his arms and leaned forward. She knew that she spoke like Jasmine, she didn't necessarily have the same accent as her right now, but the sentence structure sounded the same. "But then why do you look different here? You certainly don't look like Jasmine Peverell...I mean, you do, but you don't? The hair is the same, but your eyes are different, the scars are missing, but your mouth is the same..." He said trailing off as he cocked his head so far to the side that he couldn't be comfortable.

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