Chapter 110

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Chapter 110

Jasmine came to slowly, a thick fog enveloping her thoughts. Her head throbbed a bit as she fought to open her eyes. It felt like she had been run over by a herd of hippogriffs and not in the fun post workout kind of way. It had been a while since she felt this wrung out. She couldn't even get her rune vision to work because she was drained.

The last thing she remembered was Brightbark doing something stupid.

She allowed herself to lay still and take a quick catalogue of her body...her fingers and toes moved and twitched when she wanted them to, which was always a good sign that they were in working order. Forcing her eyes open was a hassle, but after she got past the crust gluing them together they both opened. A white ceiling greeted her, which meant she was at a hospital...more than likely St. Mungo's. This reminded her so much of when woke up here after her nineth reset.

Her pulse quickened at the thought.

Death wouldn't...send her back to the beginning...

Not without telling her? Right?

Jasmine panicked and pushed herself up, despite her aching body, to take a look around. Her starched hospital blanket pooled around her. She didn't want to be back in her fourteen-year-old body. Had she failed again?

Forcing herself into a sitting position was a mistake, it hurt, so she collapsed back against the bed and prayed that she hadn't damaged anything that was healing.

Jasmine didn't remember an injury like that when she had first been brought to the past.

But, that was when she noticed that something was moving on her blind side. Jasmine turned her head and saw Petunia was slumped over on the bed, barely touching her. Her friend was uncharacteristically disheveled and most definitely in her twenties. Her blonde hair was a bird's nest barely held together with an elastic, she had a large robe thrown over her shoulders that she was using as a blanket and it didn't look like she had been wearing any make-up, which was unusual for Petunia.

Jasmine nudged her with her leg. "Tuny, time to get up," she said jostling her as gently as she could.

Petunia swatted her leg with as much coordination as a zombie, but Jasmine's voice seemed to have registered somewhere in her brain because moments later her head shot up. "Jasmine!"

Her long-time friend threw herself forward and hugged her. Jasmine barely had time to wrap her arms around Petunia before Tuny was pulling back.

"You had us so worried! Tahatan said you would wake up, but some many people died in that fight and then the explosion!"

They already had a body count?

Where was Sirius?

Jasmine's fist tightened around the blanket. "Tuny, what happened? I know that Tom Riddle was killed, but where's Sirius? What happened after Brightbark caused that explosion."

Petunia bit her lip and worried it between her teeth for a moment as she figured out what to say. Jasmine braced herself for the worst. Petunia wasn't going to sugarcoat the truth, it was something she admired about her friend. "Cassiopeia is dead...she died taking the brunt of the explosion..." Jasmine's eyes widened. Out of all of them, she figured that Cassiopeia would live through the fight. The woman had seemed to untouchable. "Sirius is alive. He's in surgery or whatever your healers call it."

He was alive, Jasmine let out a breath that she hadn't realized she was holding. "I doubt anyone told you his medical condition."

Tuny shook her head and Jasmine groaned. She was going to need to wait until Theo came back and get the details from him. Though, he was probably the healer working on Sirius right now, so it would be a while.

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