Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

It was later that night when Jasmine and Sirius were apparated to Grimmauld Place by Euphemia. They were both in their best dress robes. Sirius was, of course, fidgeting with the collar of his shirt. He had been pacing around Potter manor for the last two hours coming up with ridiculous escape plans. Jasmine understood where his stress and anxiety came from. This was going to be the first time that he had been in the presence of his family since his untimely departure this past summer. Jasmine just wasn't a fan of his blatant pessimism. She had made sure that there was no chance she'd be harmed before coming. Sirius' father had sworn that nothing was going to happen to either of them. If he went back on his word, well magic would catch up with him very quickly.

Euphemia smacked his hand away from his collar for the sixth time that evening as they approached the door. "Behave tonight, Sirius. Jasmine, I'm trusting you to keep an eye on him," Euphemia told them, her voice stern, but teasing before she disapperated. This left the two of them on the street staring at the townhome. Jasmine could hear some classical music bleeding out from under the doorway. Neither really wanted to move. Jasmine was hoping that Sirius would push through his nerves, but they were proving hard for him to overcome.

So much for Gryffindor courage...

"What if they try to kill us? What if everything that my father has been telling me for the past month and a half was a lie?" Sirius asked before Jasmine could knock, her knuckles less than a centimeter from the door.

She had been so close.

Jasmine crossed her arms over her chest, as the laced jade and charcoal colored hemming of her robes caught the light from the overhead lamp. This was getting ridiculous. She could only here Sirius ask the same questions so many times before she got tired of humoring him and this had been going on all night. "Then I'll duel them all and kill them," she replied as she rapt on the door before Sirius could stall this confrontation any further.

Kreacher greeted them, sneering at Sirius, in only a manner that Kreacher knew how to do. "Master Black is home and has brought...filthy-"

"That's enough Kreacher," a sharp commanding voice snapped from just beyond the entry way. Sirius tensed up a bit and Jasmine put a supportive hand on his arm, reminding him that he wasn't alone.

They stepped in without any further delay and came face to face with Orion Black, well, Jasmine assumed it was Orion. He looked too much like Sirius for it to be one of his Uncles or Aunts...then again with all the inbreeding...

"Hello, father," Sirius greeted, his head slightly bowed, as was expected when an Heir returned home after an extended trip away.

Orion wasn't nearly as ugly as Jasmine had imagined as Harriet. He certainly looked regal enough to be a pureblood and it was obvious where her friend had gotten his bone structure and frame from. Sirius had always painted him as some sort of disfigured tyrant, but then again, her godfather had been known to...embellish.

"Would you introduce me to your companion?"

Ugh, etiquette.

Jasmine put on her best pureblood mask. She'd been practicing that in the mirror the past few nights. She needed to move her body a little bit differently to acquire mixture of the perfect posture and complete facial disinterest that was considered socially appropriate in these circles.

Daphne would have been proud of her with the easy way that she schooled her features and brought herself forward to play the part of the traditional pureblood heiress.

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