Chapter 10

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Sorry for this being a few days late. =3 

Chapter 10

No one had gotten sick by the time they had all gone up to bed. So, Jasmine assumed that they literally had a harmless welcome back prank every year, and that was it. She had then been herded to Gryffindor Tower where Alice and her friend Marlene McKinnon helped her up the stairs to their dorm room. There were around thirteen fifth Gryffindor girls, fourteen counting Jasmine, or at least that's what Alice had told her as they climbed the stairs. She'd be staying with her, Marlene and Lily. They were the only dorm room with any space.

"Sorry for Lily's absence, she had to get the first years settled into their dorms and then she needed to talk to McGonagall about her duties as prefect this term. She's going to have so much extra work doing the job of two prefects. Merlin knows Remus isn't going to do his job with James and Sirius bossing him around," Marlene muttered as she pushed open the door to their room.

Jasmine noticed that there were name plates on the doors with the first name and then last initial of each person living in the dorms. The names were embroidered differently, each held a style that seemed specific to the person. Jasmine's was full of winter branches twining through each letter, pantomiming Death's embrace. Alice's was loopy with leaves sprouting up at every corner. Marlene's had balloon letters, a broom and a quaffle surrounding it. Lily's was covered in flowers and vines. The I in her name was even dotted with a daisy. It was something that she hadn't seen in the future and she wondered why it had been taken away.

"Oh, do you like the charm work? Lily thought it up. She figured it would help everyone know where we're all living."

And that's why it disappeared. Either it was taken down by McGonagall, who couldn't bear to see Lily's handiwork around the castle after her untimely death or her mother's magic died with her.

"It's lovely. I haven't seen anything quite like it."

"You wouldn't have. She created it with her...friend...Snape. They two of them are always trying to make new things. Though, Snape's spells tend to be...darker in tone," Alice replied carefully, not wanting to slander Severus in a place where Lily could potentially overhear her.

Jasmine wanted to bash her head into a wall. She had forgotten about Severus. She understood his motives in the future, after about five different lifetimes, but she still couldn't stand dealing with his snarky arse. She hoped he wasn't quite as bad as a teen, but she highly doubted it.

She'd bet her father's journals that she was going to have double potions with Slytherins as her first class in the morning. It was tradition after all, one that had been established long before her time at Hogwarts. She had asked Charlie and Bill about it, as well as Sirius and Remus. Even McGonagall said that when she had attended Hogwarts her first class as a Gryffindor almost every year was double potions with Slytherin.

Jasmine sighed. It would be her luck to need to deal with Snape first thing in the morning.

"Is there something wrong with this Snape," Jasmine inquired as she moved towards her bed at the far corner of the room. She could already list what was wrong with Snape, but she wanted to hear what other people had to say about him.

Ro had already made herself comfortable by sleeping on Jasmine's pillow, traitor. She was never going to get all that cat hair out of that now. Ro was truly an evil mastermind.

Alice and Marlene shared a look while they considered their thoughts on Snape. Marlene spoke first.

"Severus Snape is a troubled Slytherin. He cares about Lily, but that's because their childhood friends. He hates muggleborns and half-bloods and talks about them like their rubbish. All of them except Lily. I think she hopes that she can change him, but I think he's going to hurt her in the long run. I'd watch myself around him, if I were you," she warned, flopping down unto her bed, face first.

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