Chapter 103

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Chapter 103

The twins had the funeral set four days from now. It would be small and closed to the general public. Within two of those days, Arthur had been moved to a secure magical mental health facility in Rocky Mountains across the pond. Luckily, they had managed to move him as quickly as they did, since the ward Arthur had been staying at in St. Mungo's was set ablaze the same night he was moved.

Thankfully, there weren't too many casualties, but the room that Arthur had been staying in had been burnt to cinders and Healer Appleby was dead. Or, so they had been told. His body had been found amongst the ash, but nothing had been made public about his coroner's report.

Sirius and Jasmine made the executive decision that the boys didn't need to know about the attack at the hospital. They were having enough trouble sleeping as it was and knowing dark wizards wanted to kill them probably wouldn't make them any better.

Honestly, Jasmine was just glad to have Theo in the same home. Her friend had made sure that no one but a handful of people knew where Arthur was located and four out of the five that knew, Jasmine trusted with her life.

She had set up regular visitation with the hospital overseas for the boys to see their father. Hopefully, Arthur would begin to recover.

Though, due to this string vicious attacks, the Wizengamot was up in arms. They weren't going to fall to the wayside and pushed under the rug. Especially not when two pureblood families on opposite ends of the magical spectrum were attacked. It was a wakeup call to all the purebloods that had been brushing off Tom as a problem for muggleborns and half-bloods to handle on their own. Now, he was also their problem. Purebloods were no longer safe. Their children, were not safe, the future of Magical Britain was not safe.

And, by the next morning, a fire message was left flutter in her office fireplace. The Wizengamot was calling for an emergency meeting, specifically in response to the attack on the Weasleys and the Malfoys. They had refused to call one for the muggle baiting and attacks against half-bloods, but when two pureblood families were attacked all the remaining purebloods rush to find a solution to the problem. It made Jasmine sick to her stomach to watch them pure into the chamber chatting quietly between one another. Nearly every seat was filled, which was a rarity these days with all the of the death threats against multiple light, dark and grey families across the spectrum.

The divide between light and dark was as stark as ever and the small section of grey magic users filled the divide between the two sections in a neat row of three.

Though, there were some new faces amongst the members on all parts of the magical spectrum. To her disgust it seemed that many of Tom's minions had taken over their parent's seats. Avery had recently taken over his disgraced seat, while Alecto Carrow had taken over for her mother. Theodore Nott nodded his head when he met Jasmine's gaze for a brief moment. He had dueled his father for the position and for the right to ask for Petunia's hand in marriage, though he hadn't worked up the courage to ask her yet.

Jasmine would know when he did...

Petunia would never let her hear the end of it.

Orion had officially handed over his seat to Sirius, leaving him in charge of the dark wizards that weren't Voldemort sympathizers. It was more networking than Sirius liked, but it kept the Black Family in charge and that was really all that mattered at the end of the day. Cassie was seated next to him, her wand was in her hand and at the ready. She was there for guidance and for protection. Not many would dare attempt to harm Sirius with Cassiopeia there. Sirius caught her eye and winked at her from across the room. She rolled her eyes and turned towards the opposite section to see who had shown up.

The Last PeverellOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora