Chapter 34

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Sorry for the late update. Enjoy!

Chapter 34

They returned to Hogwarts with little fuss. Blaise and Theo promised to speak to her soon and Jasmine promised to write to Mikhail in the near future. She had put in the earrings she had been given by her two oldest friends. They were simple silver studs with small finely cut pieces of what appeared be jade on the front. The one that she put in her right ear had runes cast in it for transmitting her thoughts across the world and the other was just the matching set for it to look as normal as possibly on her. Jasmine had only heard from them briefly to check if the earrings worked when they arrived back in the states. She assumed that they were being kept busy while their radio silence remained.

Now, Mikhail on the other hand, was writing to her regularly. He knew that she had plans for the future, even if she wasn't responding to every letter he sent. Some were delayed responses to other letters. Jasmine's old friend trusted his gut when dealing with her and he knew that she was always up to something. Mikhail wasn't wrong, and she appreciated that he knew her well enough to know that she was planning something.

Jasmine knew that she needed to make certain connections within Europe if she wanted to save the Wizarding World from extinction, but for now, she was just going to send her old friend messages about her life. She'd call in favors soon, but the time was right.

Honestly, her life had been fairly mundane since she returned from the tournament. Dumbledore and the rest of the staff had a feast in honor of the two medal winners, a third-place win by Pandora, a sixth year and then Jasmine's first place finish. Both were announced in front of the entire Great Hall, followed by some "did you miss us" fireworks from the Marauders. Remus had obviously been busy while he'd been by his lonesome. The werewolf was grinning, but every so often he'd rub his eyes and yawn a bit.

If Jasmine's calculations were correct, the full moon was coming up within the next four days. Poor Remus must have felt like shite, but he was laughing and smiling and having a great time with Sirius and James. Jasmine wasn't going to ruin their fun.

"It is with great honor that we welcome back our Hogwarts representatives that went to the dueling championships! We are proud to announce that two of our students managed to medal at the events. One of them being a sixth year Ravenclaw: Pandora Shrewson who placed third in her event..." Dumbledore began before letting out a controlled sigh, "And fifth year Gryffindor Jasmine Peverell, who placed first, the only Hogwarts representative to do so in over two hundred years." The Headmaster looked like he had swallowed something foul when he congratulated her on a job well done. His face matched his magenta robes. McGonagall looked rather concerned for her boss as he sat down at the Head Table, but made no move to actually go and see if he needed anything.

The feast started with its usual fanfare and noise, it was nothing out of the ordinary. Occasionally, a teacher would come by and congratulate her. Brightbark avoided speaking to her all together, which Jasmine was more than happy with, the Professor wasn't someone she'd want to converse with on regular basis as it was. The farther away from him the better in her opinion.

It was nearing the end of February and Jasmine was waiting to hear the final results of the trial against Avery. He was being tried as an adult for his crimes, not only against House Peverell, but against House Milton as well, since their only son, and heir, had most of his organs melted. Milton survived, barely, he'd more than likely never be able to live a day without a constant potions regiment.

The poor bastard didn't deserve that kind of life. Jasmine didn't even know his family line in the future. More than likely he had been killed in some kind of battle early on in the war. Hell, Avery might have killed him in some kind of skirmish by accident and the curse hadn't been caught on time.

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