Chapter 107

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Chapter 107

Tom wasted no time and started firing spells at Jasmine. The room around her lit up in an array of lights. Shadows were cast around the surrounding pillars. The spells weren't nearly as intense as she expected them to be, but Tom was using Marlene to cast them. Her magic was grey in nature, but she was more light leaning than dark.

"You could have been fighting at my side! It's such a waste of talent to have to kill you here!" He lamented as he fired another string of hexes. Jasmine bobbed and weaved through the spell fire, carefully maneuvering around rune etched stones Tom had dropped moments before.

One misstep and she was dead. The stones could explode if they were damaged. All Jasmine had to do was step on them and she could lose her leg. While Marlene wasn't that much of a threat on her own, a possessed Marlene was a terrifying prospect.

"I've told you more than once that I will not bow to you. have no desire for immortality. I greet Death like an old friend, not an enemy!" She shouted back, as she pushed ahead, firing back a few spells of her own.

Tom scoffed as Jasmine ducked behind a pillar. She was slowly closing in on him, but it was slow moving. She couldn't rush this, as much as she wanted to.

A spell connected with the marble she was behind and it began to warp and attempt to enclose around her. Jasmine rolled out of the way only to nearly be hit with blood boiling curse. She narrowly avoided it as she rocketed back to her feet.

"You are undeserving of immortality. Death should fear me! I will never die!"

She couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled out of her. "Horcruxes are not true immortality. Mutilating your soul does nothing for you in the long run."

Tom snarled struck at a few of rune etched stones on the ground, causing them to pop and explode. They created a cloud of dust in front of Tom, blocking him from view. Jasmine could still sense his movement with her left eye. He hadn't moved, it seemed he was waiting for her to make the next move.

"How do you know about my horcruxes?" He shouted through the smoke.

She had to resist rolling her eyes. "There are only so many forms of black magic that stain your soul the way yours is Thomas Riddle. The Peverells are an old family and we have ties to magic that you could only dream of. You soul is stained and Death calls for your soul. Death hunts for the fragments, calls for me to end your cursed existence."

"You can't kill me and you sure as hell can't destroy my horcruxes."

Jasmine scoffed at his arrogance. "You're using a horcrux to possess Marlene. I've gotten rid of your other four. The diary, the ring, the diadem and the cup are gone. The locket around Marlene's neck is all that's left of your little scheme for immortality," she replied as the smoke cleared.

Tom raised Marlene's wand again. Her face had taken an unusually pale coloring as Jasmine listed off his different horcruxes. It seemed that he hadn't thought that anyone would figure out where and what they were. Granted, she did have future knowledge of what the horcruxes physically were. If she didn't know what vessels he had used, this would have taken significantly longer.

"You won't get any closer to me. What if destroying the horcrux around my neck kills your friend? What does that make you?"

No less of a killer than Jasmine had already been.

But, at the end of the day, Jasmine didn't want to kill Marlene and that was going to be the most difficult part of all of this. It would be so simple just to let her die and then destroy the horcrux.

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