Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

It was the middle of the second week in April when Jasmine finally received word back from the Malfoy family. Apparently, someone had been trying to block their correspondence, this was the fourth letter they had attempted to send her. Which, figured, since someone was trying to murder Abraxas, but they couldn't say that outright. Merlin Jasmine hated politics sometimes, there was just too much she wasn't allowed to talk about. Instead, she had to skirt around it.

She glanced at the missive a few times over breakfast, James reading it over her shoulder and mouthing it to Sirius and Remus when they thought she wasn't looking.


The verbiage was simple: The Malfoy family was sorry for the long delay and wanted to hold a meeting with her as soon as possible.

Abraxas seemed rather concerned that his personal mail been blocked by an unknown third party.

It was probably Voldemort.

What a shocker.

She tried not to snort into her morning tea.

Lord Malfoy wanted to meet with her during her next Hogsmeade trip, which was three days away. Jasmine was more than happy to agree. The less time this took, the more likely Abraxas was to survive, and the less likely Lucius was to turn over to Tom's side. The Malfoy Heir was a perfect Slytherin and would do what he thought best for his survival. Jasmine didn't need Voldemort gaining a cunning future business powerhouse on his side this time. She was trying to remove his main support from under him. So far it was working, she'd already stolen his future potions master and the entirety of the House of Black.

Tom could keep the horrifically inbred purebloods to himself, she'd take the ones with some sense left in them...not to say that the Black family had much sense left, but there were miniscule amounts to be found here and there.

Jasmine was nearly positive that it was Voldemort tampering with her mail this time, or at least someone with Death Eater connections. It didn't seem like Dumbledore's style to tamper with messages and Fudge and Umbridge had only just started working in the ministry, so it wasn't them. Of course, that doesn't mean that they didn't learn their tricks from somewhere else in the future.

It just seemed much more logical for it to be Tom. Keeping Jasmine away from important families was a must after she gained the favor of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. Not to mention that she also has the Potter family on her side, a life debt owed by the Prince family, and the business tycoons in the Medvedeva family, who would back her up in a pinch, and their vaults were bottomless when it came to funds.

Mikhail had made it very clear that if she ever needed anything, she was to contact him. His family owed her that much, and there was the fact that they were friends and she had saved his life a few too many times in the arena for him not to feel just a little bit indebted to her. Her friend's parents dealt with combining magical and muggle technology. His mother did the experiments and his father sold them. Between the two they created an empire that could overtake the Black family in wealth. England, for the most part, avoided the Eastern European inventions and they were mostly sold to the Americans, but the family was widely known and highly successful.

In the future, they spent most of their money trying to get their son back from Greyback. It never worked and the two of them always ended up murdered by their son on Greyback's command during Harriet's sixth year. They never gave up on Mikhail and now that Jasmine had memories of the boy that Mikhail was, she understood why. It wasn't just because they loved their son. The Medvedeva family was cursed to have only one worthy heir that they had to blood adopt. Otherwise, the line would die out then and there. His entire family line is barren and had been for generations. Their children are highly coveted since there can only ever be one. It's tricky business, and the family did anything they could to get him back.

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