Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

The healers had arrived within minutes of James' floo call. This obviously wasn't the first time that Monty had collapsed at home. The Healers knew their way around the manor with little to no guidance from James. Jasmine was going to have to make sure she got the name of every person on their staff. Couldn't be too careful with Death Eaters in most of the major industries in Wizarding Britain.

The Healers came in a group of five, each holding different bags, vials and equipment. Their robes were a pristine white with the Saint Mungo's crest sewn into the material over their hearts. The group moved quickly, relocating Monty to the Potter family's personal hospital room for occasions such as this. All it took was a quick levitation charm, something that Jasmine could have done on her own, but she wasn't allowed to cast outside of school...she had already been tiptoeing around that when she used the rune to unlock the door.

Technically, she was within her rights to use ancient runes where ever and whenever she wanted, but there could be cases made against that practice until she was of age. She doubted that James or Euphemia would sell her out to the ministry, but she couldn't be too careful with the healers that were present.

It was Jasmine's first time seeing the Potter family medical ward, and she hoped that it would be a long time before she saw it in active use again.

The room was entirely different from the hospital wing that Jasmine was used to at Hogwarts. Honestly, she probably should have a bed reserved there. Merlin only knew how often she ended up in one of Madam Pomfrey's beds.

Though, it seemed that this hospital wing had a unique atmosphere to it. Usually, all things related to hospitals were white from top to bottom, just to remind everyone that they were sterile, but this room was full of warm wood tones with a cozy fireplace situated at the far end near the bed, but not too close to it. The bed itself was a twin size, easy for healers to place different bits and bobs around it. There were large arm chairs and a sofa situated on the left end of the room for people to rest and wait in, which was where the healers had placed James and Jasmine. Neither of them knew quite what to do with themselves.

This wasn't the first time that Monty had gotten sick quickly, but it hadn't happened in nearly a decade, so this was no doubt a rather cruel shock to the man's system. Not to mention that it was a shock to James, who hadn't seen his father in this condition in a very long time. From what James had told her, he couldn't even clearly remember his father being sick last time. He had been six years old and his mother had kept him away so he wouldn't get sick either.

James was holding Jasmine's hand as the men and women got to work on his father. The usually confident Marauder was biting his quivering lower lip. He was holding it together, if only just by a thread. Jasmine was tethering him as the healers coaxed another potion down Monty's throat. "What did the Ministry say about your mum?" Euphemia had yet to arrive, which wasn't like her at all. James' hand tightened in hers.

His eyes fluttered shut and his jaw tightened. "They told me she wasn't taking personal calls due to an important meeting. I tried to explain the situation to undersecretary Fudge, but he cancelled the call and then blocked the floo. This is more important than a meeting. If something happens and she isn't here with dad...mum would die," he croaked, pulling his glasses off and rubbing has face. His eyes looked a bit glassy and Jasmine felt her blood boil. Euphemia had a right to be here. Jasmine would bet that Fudge never even told her that something happened at home. Euphemia more than likely didn't even know what was going on here.

They watched as a young man carefully tipped a fourth potion down Monty's throat. It was odd seeing his usually animated face so pale and unresponsive, even someone with a weak immune system like Monty. They were joking this morning, he had been fine. It was strange...this fever had come on so quickly. Monty was careful about taking preventative potions and from what James had said, he usually called his healer the moment he felt ill. There was no point in taking a risk with his health when it was in such a fragile state. Jasmine suddenly felt a little bit dizzy herself, what if this illness hadn't been caused naturally...

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