Chapter 102

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Chapter 102

Jasmine had spent the rest of the afternoon figuring out all the different doctors that Arthur would need going forward, as well as setting up mind healer appointments for the boys. Theo had already started paperwork to have Arthur transferred to a secure location with better mind healers and general care physicians. He had done some research into Healer Appleby and found his credentials lacking. Her friend had more connections in America that were willing to take Arthur and hopefully heal his mind and reverse the spells effects.

It was later that same evening when Fabian and Gideon arrived through the floo. Jasmine, Sirius, Bill and Charlie were waiting for the twins in her office. The boys were sitting on the sofa against the far wall, a large purple knit throw blanket was covering them. The twins had been put to bed nearly an hour earlier. Jasmine didn't expect them to sleep through the night. They were young and in a new home. Not to mention, they were still processing the loss of their mother and siblings. That had not been a fun conversation to have with a pair of three year old boys. Explaining Death to children in general was difficult, but talking to them about the death of their family was even worse.

Bill had just hugged Charlie the entire time Jasmine and Sirius explained in simple terms what had happened to Molly, Percy, Ron and Ginny. It was going to be a long recovery for them. Jasmine knew quite a bit about childhood trauma, having a trunk full of it herself, but she wasn't equipped to psychoanalyze any of it herself.

When the Prewitt twins emerged from the fireplace they looked worse for wear. Their skin was pale and robes were singed. Though, their eyes were sharp and alert when they spotted Bill and Charlie. The boys didn't move from their blanket cocoon, but they did wave.

Sirius was the first to speak up. "What happened? It looks like you lost a fight with a small dragon."

Charlie giggled and made a small roaring noise from behind them. Bill rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, trying to appear serious.

He was elven, so it wasn't working. He was just pouting, but Jasmine appreciated the effort.

"Hey, Bill, I haven't seen you in months. How are you holding up?"

Bill scowled as Charlie hugged him. "How do you think?"

"That is a dumb question, Fabian," Gideon muttered as he approached his two nephews and pulled them into a tight embrace. The two boys eagerly wrapped their arms around him.

Bill wiped at his eyes, but kept his lip from quivering. "I went to see dad today...they aren't sure what's going to happen with his mind, so I think we're staying with Jasmine right now..."

Fabian ruffled Charlie's hair, eliciting a squeak out of the younger boy. "Jasmine is your sponsor. She is going to keep you and your brothers safe. You know that your mum didn't want you all to live with me and Gideon. Our jobs are far too dangerous."

Bill frowned, but didn't argue. "I know, but you're our family. Do you not want us to live with you?"

Gideon let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair, grimacing a bit when he tugged on a burnt strand or two. "Bill, we would love for you and your brothers to live with us, but your mum was right. Our jobs are very dangerous and we have a lot of enemies. Living with Lady Peverell is best."

Was it?

Jasmine was pretty sure she had a longer list of enemies.

Considering Tom Riddle was at the very top made his sound ridiculous. They had to know the political situation between her and Tom's faction, but her warding would keep them safe. That much was true.

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