Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

To say that Madam Pomfrey was horrified that Jasmine showed up, pale as death, with Bellatrix Black carrying two more unconscious students on their backs, was putting it mildly. Honestly, Jasmine had never seen the Matron move so fast, in any of her lives. She panicked when Jasmine told her that they had all been exposed to dementors and might need to sit down. The nurse immediately took James and Sirius from them and put each of them in their own beds. Bellatrix slowly sat on the bed as the nurse bustled about the room. Each time the older witch made a move to get up Madam Pomfrey would send a glare her way that had her sitting down without a second thought. The Matron wasn't going to be letting anyone out of her line of sight anytime soon. Not that Jasmine minded, she wasn't feeling all that great herself, she felt chilled to the bone, her ears were stilling ringing as unpleasant thoughts kept coming to the forefront of her mind.

Bellatrix flopped on the bed in the most unladylike of fashions and just stared blankly at the ceiling, not really focusing on anything. The young woman was fingering a pendant around her throat. She didn't seem to be in a talking mood, Jasmine could understand that. Dementors tended to make people a bit introspective, since they made them relive their worst nightmares, and all. Jasmine was somewhat used to them, after nine previous lives of having them wreak havoc on her psyche.

She could hear the dying screams of her friends from her many lives in the back of her mind. Jasmine pulled the pillow from her bed and forced it over her face.

It didn't take more than five minutes for Euphemia to arrive in the infirmary flanked by two senior aurors. One of them was Amelia Bones, the other, was a young man that she didn't recognize, poor bloke probably dies in a raid sometime soon. She was closely followed by Orion Black, who was shouting at her, arms gesturing wildly left and right, for someone, who Jasmine had always assumed was composed in any and all situations, he seemed rather distraught.

Jasmine sat up, removing the pillow from her face, at least this was real screaming. Her guardian made her way into the room, each step she took was echoed by her dragonhide boots. Euphemia had bags under her eyes and her cheeks were a bit hollow, she looked tired and drawn out. She needed to eat more...Jasmine didn't want her to stop taking care of herself and get sick. It would lead to an early death for both her and Monty if that happened. Euphemia's eyes scanned the room and when they landed on James, unconscious on the bed, Jasmine could tell that she was holding back tears, if the glassy expression of her eyes was any indication. She took her son's hand in her own as soon as she got close enough.

Amelia moved to the far left of Bellatrix's bed and quietly began asking her questions. The woman had a piece of parchment and a floating quill for notes as she took Bellatrix's statement.

"How could you let this happen, Auror Potter?" Orion demanded as he made his way over to his son and niece. Amelia stepped away from Bellatrix, who had an eyebrow raised at Orion's outburst, but he had nearly lost his heir today, so Jasmine supposed that he had reason to be angry. Not that she enjoyed seeing someone try and intimidate her guardian. It wasn't Euphemia's fault that Hogsmeade got attacked.

That was more than likely Voldemort's fault.

Euphemia straightened herself up, not allowing herself to be cowed by Orion's temper. Jasmine recognized the way that she jutted her chin out, it how James looked when he was about to take a nonmoving stance on something.

"How could I let this happen? The control of magical creatures isn't my department! Take your anger out on the Diggory family if you have quarrels about the dementors escaping. My people were on the seen within five minutes of the attack happening!"

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