Chapter 104

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Chapter 104

Julien didn't have a lot of time to talk to her. He had a portkey back to France he had to catch, but he had offered his thanks and promised to be contact with her shortly in regards the French government stepping in to assist with the Voldemort issue. It was nice to finally have some kind of outside help that wasn't from a close friend.

The small victories were the ones that were going to help with win against Tom.

The funeral was scheduled a few days later.

Molly and the kids had been cremated. It was a Prewitt Family tradition and Jasmine felt that it was better to have the ashes at her brother's house then bury the bodies where a Dark Lord could get their grubby little hands on their bones. The funeral was a private affair in a small funeral parlor inside the Ministry. A public funeral would be too dangerous. As it was, Jasmine had checked the guest list nearly five times to make sure that she knew everyone who was attending. There were about forty-five people on the approved list.

Jasmine didn't personally approve of everyone on the list. Marlene was invited, as well as Brightbark and Peter. She had grumbled about their attendance, but they had been friends with Molly and Arthur, so she couldn't remove them without seeming petty.

There were rows of cushioned wooden benches facing a small podium. The guests were milling about the room, talking in hushed tones as they waited for the eulogy. Death was hovering around the room, drifting from person to person. While Death had a strange affinity for parks, funerals were really where the Deity felt truly at home.

Because, really, funerals were for the living and Death thrived off of the lives of those celebrating the dead.

Jasmine, Sirius and their gaggle of children were seated at the front. Sirius was getting odd looks from most of the Weasley Family that were in attendance, but he didn't seem to care. The boys comfort came first and the twins had taken to him like a house on fire.

Dumbledore was giving the eulogy, since Arthur was still struggling to stay conscious for more than a few minutes a day. There had been improvement though. The healers were hopeful and that had brought a bit of joy the household. But, he was in no condition to attend and speak about his wife and children. So, the task fell to Albus.

"Molly Weasley was one of the greatest witches I've ever known. She was fierce, bright and always knew what you needed before you yourself knew it. I remember one time she had knitted me the finest pair of socks I've ever worn...but I digress, everyone here knew of her passion and love for her family. We should all try to be a bit more like Molly in that regard."

Jasmine tuned him out to focus on the boys. They were all sniffling. She had brought a lot of tissues for today. It was starting to sink in with the twins that their mother was truly gone. Jasmine was waiting for the tantrums that were going to come from that trauma.

Sirius promised to keep the twins plastered to his sides at all times while she kept an eye on the older two.

Charlie barely let Jasmine out of his sight, so he was easy to keep an eye on. Theo had mentioned that Charlie had imprinted on her like a duck...though she had a feeling this would be something she would need to bring up with his mind healer when their sessions started in a few days. The kid was currently clinging to Jasmine's left arm like it was going to disappear, his grip was almost painful.

Bill on the other hand wanted to be treated more like an adult, since he was almost a teenager. He was seated on her right with his head down. He kept rubbing at his eyes when he thought that she wasn't looking at him.

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